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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/12

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/12



根據勞工部發表之数字顯示, 美國全國物價比去年増長了百分之五點四, 一年來所有物價包括食品 房租 汽車 汽油共上漲了百分之六點二 是從一九九〇年來漲幅最大的一次

在食物方面 牛排價比去年同期漲了百分之二十四點九 雞蛋上漲了百分之十一點六 雞肉上升了百分之八點八

食品公司表示 這些調漲因素是因為疫情期間原材料 人工及運輸成本上漲 只有轉嫁到消費者身上

包括泰生肉食公司在內的食品公司表示 因成本不斷上升 他們將在明年繼續上調所有食物之價格

根據去年的一項家庭收入調查 低收入家庭每年平均支出四千四百元食物費用 佔他們收入的百分之三十六 而高收入家庭每年支出一萬三千元 只佔他們收入的百分之八

今天我們在庆祝退伍軍人節之同時 我們也欣見國會通過了基建法案 拜登總統也非常奋興地表達重建美國的大藍圖

我們也要再度呼籲國會兩黨應該加強團結 來解決國內外的問題 我們更要提醒華府政客們 不要再挑起戰火 你們草率之決定和自私之政治企圖 已經犧牲了多少寶貴的生命

在紀念退伍軍人節的時刻 我們除了向他們致敬之外 我們決不願看到另一場戰爭 許多退伍軍人還生活在貧窮缐上 尤其是在物價飛漲之時刻 政府要看好人民的荷包 是項責任也是義務

Celebrating Veterans Day 

We Need To Watch The Rising Prices

According to Labor Department statistics, how much shoppers paid for groceries climbed 1% in October from September and were 5.4% higher than at the same time last year. Overall prices including things like rent, cars and energy climbed 6.2% over the last 12 months, the largest increase since 1990.

At the grocery store, the cost of steak went up 24.9%. Chicken costs 8.8% more than a year ago and cereal is now 5% more expensive.

Today, manufacturers are facing higher costs for commodities, labor and transportation, as well as other expenses incurred during the pandemic. Tyson Foods has reported that they plan to hike prices again in 2022.

According to recent data, households in the low income group spent an average $4,400 on food, representing 36% of their income, while households in the highest income group spent $13,000 for their food, representing just 8% of their income.

Today we are honoring our military veterans who served in the armed forces and we salute their service and dedication to our country. But a lot of these veterans still live in very difficult situations.

We urge the federal government to take strong action to improve our economy.

We all need the peace and not the war.