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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/23

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/23

我見 我思 我聞


三十九歲曾有多次犯案記錄之布魯克週日駕駛一輛小型旅遊車加足馬力衝向正在舉辦年度感恩節社區遊行的隊伍 造成五人死亡數十人受傷之惨劇 這個平靜的社區瓦卡薩顿然處於憂雲慘霧之中

當地檢察官立即對這名暴徒起訴 控告他五項謀殺罪 這名罪大惡極的非裔嫌犯是在當地時間下午四點三十九分駕車衝撞護欄加速向人群駛去 當時正在參加遊行的市民 一片驚慌失措 其中被撞死的多半是參加每年活動的年長者 她們每年都载歌載舞之艳麗服装出現在遊行隊伍之中

這項慘劇立即引起全國人民之譁然 我們的社會真的生病了

據警方調查 這名非裔暴徒 曾經在本月初因衝擊名婦女而被捕 但是他以一千元保释金得釋放 他在過去二十年間曾經有十六次的犯罪記錄

我們要非常遺憾地指出 美國之司法制度造成了許多罪犯逍遥法外 許多監獄人滿為患 早些釋放罪人 加上大小槍支汜濫 

最基本之問題還是在於國民教育之失敗 年青人遊手好閒 濟不振 失業者因而挺而走險 為非作歹

我們對於傷亡者表示由衷之哀傷 這些悲劇不断上演 執政諸公 你們能不羞愧嗎

Waukesha Holiday Parade Became A Tragedy

39-year-old Darrell Brooks allegedly drove an SUV into a crowd at the Waukesha holiday parade killing five people and injuring 40 others. This man has a history of violence and was out on bail after an incident earlier in November.

Brooks has a long criminal history with 16 criminal charges since 1999. In 2020 he was charged with three felony gun counts. He appeared to be an aspiring rapper and was singing to rap music inside his SUV.

Police say they are confident Brooks acted alone and it was not a case of domestic terrorism.

At Sunday’s parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, tragedy brought the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies into the sad spotlight because members of the group were among the five people killed.

Today we really think our society is very sick. Many people are jobless and they are doing a lot of unbelievable crimes.

We need to come back to our education system and get more young people to go back to school. When the economy is so bad, how can these people survive?

The tragedy in Waukesha is not just a single, isolated incident. This is a national issue.

To all the politicians and people governing the government, should you feel shameful?