大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/26

我見 我思 我聞
位於休斯敦國際區西南方在学區用地的十英畝土地上, 近年來開闢成一片菜園, 以每月五元費用租貨給居民們可以自行種菜, 多年來頗具成效, 許多區民能夠种出一些蔬菜瓜菓 ,供自己食用或送給親友。
這些菜園由於欠缺管理 ,大半都在荒廢, 而且缺乏設備及房設供大家使用。
有鑒於此, 國際區正在策劃一項農貿市場,加蓋數呎之大型鐵皮建築, 可以容納五十攤位 ,提供給區民們販售蔬菜食品之用。
近年來, 由於物價不斷上漲, 尤其是蔬菜水果許多家庭無法負擔, 休斯敦市內就有近二十個農貿市場 ,每逢週末 顧客擠得水洩不通, 已經成為市民們省錢之去處。
我們要呼籲大家共同來努力, 國際區農貿市場已經提交到我們每月月會之议程中, 希望大家拭目以待。
IMD Proposed Farmers Market
In the Houston International District we have a community garden which provides land to let the people grow their own fruits and vegetables. Many people just pay five dollars per month to have their own space. It is such a good idea that serves our community.
In recent years, many farmers markets were created in the city of Houston because of the rising prices of fruits and vegetables in the supermarkets and many people just can’t afford it.
The IMD Farmers Market is in the planning stage. We want to build a more than 10,000 square foot building where we can put more than fifty booths. This arrangement would provide a public place for people to sell their produce and would also help many poor families too.
Times are changing now. Because inflation has become so bad, many families just can’t go to the supermarket to buy things for their families. We hope the IMD Farmers Market will give them a place to visit and buy needed food items at more affordable prices.
Our good family architect friend, C.C. Lee, is going to get on his drawing board and help us. Many community leaders and businesses are ready to join the effort and donate their resources and funds to make the IMD Farmers Market a reality.
My dear brother and sisters, this is the time we need to help each other, especially after the pandemic. Please look after your neighbors and friends.
We are all in the same family.