大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/30

世界衛生組織定名為“奧密克戎”之新變異毒株,最初于十一月十一日在非洲博茨瓦納首次發現, 三天後 ,南非記錄了世界首個B.1.1.529 感染病例,南部南非當局宣布,確認這一新病毒具有高威染力, 隨後不少國家也發現了感染病例, 有跡象顯示正向全球傳播。
“奧密克戎”突變非常嚴重, 和目前的流行病毒不同,令人非常惊訝, 這意味著原來設計的疫苗可能要打折扣。
拜登總統已經宣布自週一起限制從南非附近七個國家的旅行限制, 雖然此行禁令效果有限 ,不過對國人來説 ,仍然會產生許多擔忧 ,剛剛過去的感恩節假期 ,大家已經欢天喜地的度過了節日, 航空旅客也恢復到疫情前的旅客水平, 這對於拜登政府無疑是重大考驗。
隣近的加拿大已經証實有兩宗新型冠狀病毒之患者, 英國當局也下令所有公民必須在公共㘯合戴口罩。
以色列和日本也宣佈關閉空中航空交通, 來對付新的病毒。
美國疾控中心專家們今天大力呼籲,凡是未接種疫苗者必須立即行動 ,已經接種的也要侭快接種加強疫苗。
我們必須再度呼籲那些還沒有接種疫苖的要侭快去接種 ,這是個利人利己之行為 ,為了保障你自己及週邊親朋好友之健康, 你必須去接種, 据估計, 目前在美國還有六千萬人還未接種疫苗,這是多麼令人驚訝而遺憾的事 ,公衛專家們建議, 我們應該立即在各大機場及國門進行核酸檢測 ,防阻帶病旅客入境。
為了國人及世界各國國民之健康及生存, 這是我們必須大家團結一致的時候了。
New Covid Variant Rises Again
President Biden announced new U.S. travel restrictions from South Africa and seven other countries to contain the threat from the newly detected Omicron Covid-19 variant.
The travel ban alone may offer little comfort to Americans which set a new travel record on the eve of Thanksgiving Day.
Canadian officials confirmed the country’s first two cases of the Omicron variant in Ottawa. Germany and the United Kingdom also confirmed cases within their borders. The UK has mandated face covering in shops and on public transport.
Dr. Paul Burton of Moderna Corporation said in an interview that we should brace for several weeks of uncertainty as scientists and vaccine manufacturers investigate the transmissibility of the new variant, the level of illness that causes and whether the antibodies produced in response to the current vaccines will be effective in thwarting it.
Scientists are concerned that the new variant has more than 30 mutations as a part of the virus raising fear that the protection offered by vaccines currently available would not be enough.
The Biden administration’s biggest challenge may be the ongoing stubborn resistance among the approximately 60 million American adults who remain unvaccinated.
We sincerely want to urge all people to get vaccinated to simply protect yourself and your loved ones.
We also want to urge world leaders to work together to fight against this new threat.