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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/21

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/21

我見 我思 我聞


西維吉尼亞選出之民主黨參議員門欽表明他無法在參議院支持拜登總統提出之民生及氣候法案 這將是白宮重大之挫敗 他說 :“我真的無法回去和我的選民交待

白宮方面對於他的談話感到震驚 發言人莎奇說他改變了以往之承諾 如果缺少了這一票 將無法在參院通過 對拜登總統而言 是無法承受之結果

拜登政府一萬七千億之民生預算 將是政府施政之重要事項 如果預算無法通過 將是政府之最大敗筆

執政即將屆満週年的拜登新政府 一直面臨嚴峻之挑戰首先是疫情至今無全面控制 通賃膨脹嚴重 物價上漲 國會兩黨分歧加深 國際政治和中俄矛盾加劇

明年之期中選舉 如果民主黨失去控制國會多數 就會誏政府開始跛腳 也會導至民主黨失去政權之隱憂

無可諱言 近二年來新冠疫情已經嚴重影響世界政經之格局 國際外交及軍事版圖也在不斷變化 如果大家無法加強團結,尤其面對疫情之繼續蔓延 將會有更多人失去生命

國會兩黨之鬥爭已經白熱化 兩党人士許多議案實在是為反對而反對 此絕非國民之福 也導致世界局勢之不安

Senator Manchin Refuses To Support Biden’s Bill

Senator Joe Manchin has called off negotiations with President Biden on the Build Back Better bill.

                                                                                                                                                   The plan centered on universal pre-kindergarten programs to be funded for a full ten years as well as an expansion of the Affordable Care Act and hundreds of billions dollars to address climate change .

White House Press Secretary Psaki said that Senator Manchin came to the White House and submitted in person to the president a written outline for the Build Back Better bill that was the same size and scope as the president’s framework. Later, the senator said “no,” and ended the negotiation. He said, “I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can’t.”

The Senator also was concerned about what the legislation would do to the nation’s rising debt and soaring inflation.

Today the Biden administration is really facing big challenges and not just the pandemic. They can’t control the economy which is also headed in the wrong direction with higher prices. And inflation is making the people’s lives more difficult while the world’s politics are also in chaos.

It has been almost one year since Biden became President. Both parties in Congress are still fighting in many areas. Republican members just can’t agree on many bills sponsored by the Democrats.

It is very sad that we are living in such a difficult time here at home and around the globe. Unless we have real leaders, we don’t see any bright future.