大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/24

我見 我思 我閒
美國食品藥物管理局已緊急批准新冠抗病毒藥丸molnupitavir 上市 ,可以治療病毒直接検測為陽性的成人的輕度至中度冠狀病毒疾病, 這些成人患有嚴重Covid-19 的風險很高, 此藥丸可以立即降低風險 ,是對抗病毒之重大進展。
輝瑞公司董事長布尓勒表示 ,這些突破式的療法可以顯著減少住院和死亡。
由于奧米克羅新病毒之不斷猖狂, 全美醫院正在為應對新傳染者嚴正以待, 連續第二個聖誕節, 醫謢人員將要面對更多的病患。
自二O二〇年以來 ,國會承諾提供近六萬億美元來抗擊新冠病毒, 并緩解大瘟疫造成之経濟打擊。
拜登總統已經宣布將立即免費發送五億支新冠病毒測試劑, 他建議國人在聖誕節家庭集會前應該做測試以減少傳染。
隨著假期之來臨 ,我們再次面對疫情之挑戰 ,在公共交通包括機場在內, 也面臨更大之壓力 ,到目前為止, 尚有五千萬人還未種植疫苗 ,這是最大的防疫漏洞。
口服藥丸之出現 ,是個大的轉折點, 也希望能普及更多地區, 才是救災救命的根本方法。
FDA Authorizes Second Pill To Treat Covid-19
The FDA on Thursday authorized Merck’s antiviral pill Molnupiravir to treat Covid-19 for the treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19 in adults with positive results of direct sars-cov-2 viral testing and who are at high risk for progression to severe Covid-19, including hospitalization or death. This pill will let people take it at home before they get sick enough to be hospitalized.
On Wednesday the FDA authorized Pfizer’s antiviral pill Paxlovid to treat Covid-19 high- risk individuals ages 12 and older with a weight of at least 88 pounds and who have had a positive Covid-19 test are eligible for this treatment and will need to have it prescribed by a doctor.
Since 2020, the U.S. Congress has committed nearly $6 trillion to fight Covid-19 and cushion the economic blow for a once-in-a-century pandemic.
President Biden promised the American people that he is making 500 million Covid-19 at-home tests available free-of-charge as people who are finding it hard to find testing can know whether they are infected during the holiday season.
As the president said, what has happened is that the Omicron virus has spread even more rapidly than anybody thought it would.
Today all of us need to pay more attention to what we need to do. We also strongly urge all those people who haven’t been vaccinated to please do so as soon as possible. You are not just protecting yourself, but also your family, friends and the entire community.