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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/17

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/17


一九六三年八月二十八日 ,金恩牧師在華府林肯紀念堂前發起了爭取工作和自由大遊行, 揭開了美國全國爭取政治和經濟權利的大門, 但是在一九六八年,年僅三十九歲的諾具爾和平得奬者確在田納西州遇刺身亡, 為了紀念這位民權鬥士 ,每年一月的第三個星期一定為馬丁路德金恩記念日。

今天在休斯敦街頭 ,陽光普照, 正如其他各地主要大小城市一般, 各型樂隊及花車正在遊行, 許多政客也擠在隊伍中, 為美國的民權自由繼續吶喊。

老實說 ,我們亞裔種羣, 今天在美國社會中具有之地位, 是要感謝金恩博士之努力, 他們早年在爭取平等自由之艱難時刻中 ,曾經為我們流血流汗,甚至犧牲了寶貴之生命。

整整五十八年過去了, 非常遺憾 ,我們的貧富不均, 社會矛盾和種族裂痕還在不斷的受創和加大, 和當年金恩博士所說的「我們有一個夢」還距離太遠。

終其一生, 這位黑人牧師為終止種族隔離法令之腳步從未停歇, 對抗所有不公平之待遇,為我們爭取最基本之自由和平等取得了豐碩之成果。

今天, 亞裔 、非裔及拉丁裔在社會上取得了一些成果 ,包括許多大城市之市長、 檢察長、部會首長及國會議員都由少數族裔出任和當選 ,但是近年來警民衝突和不公不義之事件還在不斷上演之中。

金恩博士之偉大情操和夢想, 也許是在不斷退色之中, 我們實在太需要有真本領的政治領袖才能重振國力, 真正實現「我有一個夢」的夢想。

“I Have A Dream”

On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King launched a March for Freedom in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. It opened the door to the fight for political and economic rights in the United States.

                                                                                                                                            Unfortunately, Dr. King was assassinated in Tennessee at the age of 39.

Congress has designated the third Monday of the month of January of each year as 

Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It is a federal holiday in the United States marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. 

                                                                                                                                               Today on the streets of Houston, Texas, just like in other major cities in the U.S., all kinds of bands and floats are marching and celebrating the life of Dr. King. Many politicians have also joined the team and continue to shout for civil rights and freedom.

To be honest, our Asian American community that is now an important part of the American society needs to really appreciate Dr. King’s efforts of striving for equality and freedom. He bled and sweated for all of us, and ultimately sacrificed his precious life.

Fifty-eight years later we are still fighting for social justice and still too far from Dr. King’s vision of “I have a Dream.”

                                                                                                                                          Africans, Asians and Latinos in this country have made many major advancements in American society, including the mayors of major cities and thousands of civil servants as well as many members of the U.S. Congress. But in recent years, so many conflicts between the police and the African American community still persist as the fight for political and economic rights and the fight against poverty continue.

Dr. King’s dream may be constantly fading. We really need a political leader to lead this nation now to revitalize our national strength so we can truly realize the dream of “I have a dream.”