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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/24

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/24

曙光 疫情漸減

公衞專家們預測, 過二十五個月新冠疫情之大战之後 今年夏天你可能可以再度去旅行度假而不需要再戴上口罩 雖然说來是個奢望 但是實現的可能性是非常高

醫學專家菲爾丹表示 我們可以預估今年二O二二年預計新冠病毒將不再主載我們的日常起居生活

多數專家對於新的變異病毒奧米克戎之快速傳播性十分詫異 但是染疫者已經持續下降 尤其是在南非 當去年十一月初次發現奧米克戎病毒後 目前已經急速下降 在英國的情況也是如此

加州大學醫學教授斯瓦士伯預估 未來四到六週將有一段艱難時期 預計二月中旬將有名顯改善 原因是有更多的人接種了疫苗 更多的藥物也會上市

一九一八年代的大瘟疫 三分之一的人感染 五千萬人死亡 我們相信新冠病疫將會消失 但病毒還是會存在 时至今日美國全國每年仍然有三萬五千人死於流行性感冒

今天我們已經有疫苗和有效之藥物來治療新冠病毒患者 加上全體免疫之可能性 將是防止病毒進一步惡化之有力防缐

二十五個月來 地球上遭遇到前所未有之病毒挑戰 非常遺憾的是 世界各國之紛爭不斷 政治角力 武裝對峙 談不上互助合作 是我們最大的隱憂

We All Hope The Epidemic Will Gradually Go Away

Public Health experts predict that after twenty-five months of battle against Covid-19, you may be able to travel and take a vacation again this summer without wearing masks. Although it is an extravagant hope, the possibility of achieving it is very high.

Dr. Tom Friedan said, “If we do it right, we’re going to have a 2022 in which Covid doesn’t dominate our lives so much.”  There are disease models from pandemics past, but the way the highly infectious Omicron variant popped up meant that scientists’ proverbial “crystal ball” got a little hazy. They did not expect it to happen exactly the way it did.

The wave seems to have peaked already. In some areas where the Omicron first hit, new cases have dropped by at least 10% last week.

In 1918 during the worst pandemic in history, one-third of the world’s population became infected and fifty million people died.

The pandemic eventually ended, but the virus is still with us today.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that, “We hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.”

We urge the whole world to come together and fight against this common enemy.