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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/25

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/25

我見 我思我聞

股市下滑 世局震盪

華爾街股市下跌七百多點 投資者正在焦慮烏克蘭戰火 中央銀行利息政策及通貨膨脹等重大發展

道瓊指數失滑了七百三十點 下跌了百分之二點二 大部分高科技股本週將出台利润報告 美國中央銀行本週三將召開董事會 預計不會調整利率 但是到三月份時可能就有改變預期會調上百分之零點二五 通貨膨脹已經影響到全國物價上漲 是四十年來所罕見

目前最令投資者擔憂的還是俄羅斯重兵部署在烏克蘭邊境 是否會發動戰爭 老實說我們對於拜登總統之施政 包括內政和外交有著極高之期待 但是一年過後 他的政績令人失望 首先從內政方面來說 由於黨內國會參眾議員無法團結一致 許多民生法案和預算都無法通過 這將嚴重影響政府之施政 今天所有小型商業正在面臨原材料急速上漲之重大壓力 從蔬菜 肉類 紙張 鋼材 至少上漲三成以上 許多業主們說 拜登上任之後 根本沒有任何補助方案 他們所拿到的一些資助還是在川时代 我們試問 拜登總統是否知道這些民間疾苦呢

在對外關係方面 自從我們從阿富汗撤軍之後 無可諱言已經重創了美國之聲望 我們看到俄羅斯大膽地要入侵烏克蘭亞太地區中美對抗正在加溫

我們呼籲拜登總統急需調整內外政策 首先安內再攘外 如果自己経濟內政無法改善 民主黨將來之執政會面臨嚴重挑戰

Investors Worry About The Ukraine

Wall Street was in the red again on Monday. Stocks opened sharply lower and the S&P 500 dropped 10 percent from its most recent peak. The Dow fell more than 730 points or 2.2 percent. 

Investors have a lot of things to worry about, especially the situation in Ukraine as fear mounts that the country could be invaded by Russia.

The Federal Reserve Bank will hold a meeting on Wednesday. It is not expected to adjust the interest rate, but by March there may be a change in expectations of 0.25 percent.

To be honest, we had high expectations for President Biden when he came to office, but his performance is indeed disappointing. First of all, because within the party members of Congress, the senate couldn’t pass many bills, including the budget could not pass.  This seriously affects the governance of the government.

Today, all the small businesses are under great pressure because of sharp increases for raw materials including meat, vegetables, steel and paper that have risen by at least 30 percent. How can these people survive?

In terms of foreign policy since our withdrawal from Afghanistan, the reputation of the United States has been seriously damaged. We now see Russia boldly threatening to invade Ukraine while the potential for a Sino-U.S. confrontation in the Asia-Pacific region is increasing.

We call on President Biden to adjust both internal and foreign policy to the situations. Otherwise, the Democratic party will continue to face serious challenges in the future.