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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/29

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/29

我見 我思 我聞


今天上午在美南電視攝影棚有來自各族裔之代表 共同迎接虎年之到來 我們在室內張燈結綵 舞獅獻瑞 各國文藝表演 顯示族群融和祝願世界和平 疫情早離開我們 誏世界重返安祥

春之聲第二十六屆德州農曆新年游園會 由于過去二十五個月疫情不斷 這已經是我們第二次透過網路在缐上舉辦 我們除了感謝上百位的社區文藝人士及志願者之奉獻外 更有許多社區領袖及商家慷慨資助 我們由衷的感激

虎年代表了不畏困難的龍虎精神 虎氣沖天 虎威笙風 給我們從陰暗中帶來曙光和希望

今天這場現場全球直播遊園會 是我們透過科技网路之新傳播方式 美南電視網今後將繼續以網路直播方式 繼續播送新聞和節目 有更多的觀眾共享。

北京冬季奧運會在幕在即 全球觀眾已經翹首脛盼 也更逢虎年春節 我們祝福全球華人同胞龍翔虎躍 千事吉祥

Celebrating The Lunar New Year Online

This morning we are celebrating the 26th Annual Texas Lunar New Year Festival live in our STV studio. Many community leaders will join us together to welcome the Year of the Tiger. Many cultural and artistic performances from various countries will display our integration of all ethnic groups. We hope the world will return to peace soon.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this is second year we are celebrating the festival online. In addition to thanking the hundreds of artists and volunteers for their dedication, many community leaders and businesses have generously funded us. We are really so grateful.

The Year of the Tiger represents guys who are not afraid of difficulties that tend to bring all of us down and choose to bring hope back from the darkness.

When we are celebrating the lunar new year, the Beijing Winter Olympics are coming and global audiences have been looking forward to it. We wish all of you a happy and prosperous year to come.