美國新冠肺炎抗疫日記 04/02 相互扶持 同舟共濟

過去一個月來,全球遭遇從未有過的新冠疫情的肆虐,全美各大城市超過二億國民都要求留在家中,從航空旅遊餐飲都在停業狀況, 尤其是中小企業靣臨著生死存亡之空前時刻。
美國國会上週通過並由川晋總統簽署了CARES 法案(冠狀病毒援助救災和經濟安全法案,向全美納稅人及商家提供二萬億元之经济援助。
美國中小企業局已經撥款三千五百億立即接受申請,其中包括:A薪資保護計劃 (PPP)經濟政府支付前八週之員工薪資 B 經濟傷害災難低利率貸款:最高可貸200至500 萬美元 C 你將可獲得經濟傷害補助金一萬元,另外每個納稅人大部分可以分別得到1200元政府津貼。
最近幾天來 ,我們和SBA 進行了密切溝通交流並且和有關會計事務所義務相助,已經成立了美南傳媒SBA 服務中心,希望為各位提供服務 我們的聯繫方式是:
會計師Stephen Yoe 832-452-5757
會計師Carol Hyman 713-496-3348
英文專線:Jennifer Lopez 281-726-9888
United We Will Prevail
An open letter to my Dear Brothers and Sisters –
In the last thirty days the coronavirus has attacked our nation as well as the entire world and has became the most serious disaster since World War II.
More than two hundred million people are now staying at home and the economic damage to the economy is as diverse as airlines, hotels and especially small businesses.
As part of the new relief legislation, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has set aside $350 billion for a loan program such as Paycheck Protection Program.
Assistance includes Economic Injury, Disaster Loans, Economic Injury Grants and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program.
With the help of the offices of Congressman Al Green and Stephen Yoe, we are creating a Community SBA Loan Service under the International District and the International Trade Center.
If you have questions or need assistance with the SBA program or tax matters, please call:
713-496-3348 or 832-452-5757
Ask for Carol Hyman or Stephen Yoe.
For the Chinese hotline, please call 281-917-0504 and ask for Dr Zhu.
We are here to help our community. This is a very critical time. We are united we will prevail.
Take care of yourself -- especially your health.