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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

我見我聞我思 02/02

我見我聞我思 02/02



由于疫情仍然持續不論我們是透過網路或室外聚會 不論範圍大小 都代表了我們對自己固有文化習俗之發揚 彰顯我們是個多元族裔的國家

近百年來 我們許多國人離鄉背井遠走他郷 為了追求更多的幸福生活 我們大家以那股吃苦耐勞之精神 注入當地國 ,并做出重大的貢獻

今天你走遍全美各大城市 都有個充滿著中國商業文化氣息之中國城 成千上萬的華亞裔在此落葉生根 他們的成就注入了多元文化之源流

老實說 我們今天看得非常清楚 只有選舉时期 那些政客才會勤走中國城去拉選票和鈔票 選舉過後 許多承諾也就拋腦後了

加拿大總理杜魯道上週發表了農曆春節新年賀詞 大力表彰華裔對加拿大之偉大貢獻 但是 截至目前為止 我們並未看見拜登總統發表任何新春賀詞 我們也要非常遺憾地提醒總统 難道你忘記了那多華亞裔公民的選票了嗎?

The Voices And Shouts Of Our Asian-American Community

Asian-American communities and citizens living in Canada and the U.S. are happily celebrating the coming of the Year of the Tiger in various ways.

Due to the Covid pandemic, whether we meet through the internet or outdoors, regardless of scope, it represents our promotion of our heritage and shows that we are truly a multi-ethnic nation.

Over the last hundred years many of our countrymen have left their hometowns to pursue a better life. With the spirit of hard work we have made great contributions to local communities. Today when you travel to major U.S. cities you will find Chinatowns full of Chinese business and culture. Thousands of them have taken root here.

To be honest, we can only see a lot of politicians at election time going into our community to ask for money and votes. After the election, it means the promises will be forgotten.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau delivered a new year’s message last week vigorously recognizing the great contributions of the Chinese to Canada. But so far, we have not seen President Biden deliver any new year greeting to our community.

Regretfully now, a lot of us were your supporters in the last election.