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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/03

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/03

我見 我思 


參加了丰建偉醫生在休斯敦中國城的迎接虎年新春大會, 包括丰醫生 州代表吳元之及即將競選赫里斯郡區長的年青華裔周浩恩僑社代表都在大會上恭賀大家新春快樂 諸事順遂

我代表了休斯敦國際區首先向丰醫生热愛社區之努力表示由衷的敬佩 今天我們放眼看看中國城及國際區 経過多少人的努力 灑下的血汗 把一片荒蕪之地建造成休城經濟之楷模和示範 今天我們在慶祝農曆春節之時 我們要再度向全美國的政客和執政者表達我們對這塊土地的貢獻和熱愛

美國建國二百多年來 我們就是一個移民國家 只有到來的先後 沒有任何人能阻擋和扭曲所有人在社會上享有的權利

我們欣見年軽華裔周浩恩已經正式宣佈參選哈里斯郡之公職 他的決心和勇氣值得我們大力地支持 包括投票捐款 缺一不可 才有選勝之機會

疫情並未把我們打倒 我們要繼續榮辱共存 團結起來 才能成為社會主流之主人

We Are The Mainstream

I attended Dr. Feng’s spring festival party in Houston’s Chinatown to welcome the Year of the Tiger.

The event included our State Representative Gene Wu and Ben Chou who is running for Harris County Commissioner. All of us sent our greetings to the community.

On behalf of the International District, I warmly expressed my sincere admiration to Dr. Feng for his love of our community. Over the last twenty years we have been the ones to build Chinatown. Through hard work we have become a community model and one of the City of Houston’s strongest economic engines.

We are also so excited that our young Asian American Ben Chou candidate will run for office. We need young blood to continue to fight for our political future. We all are going to support him, and not just to go out and vote, but we also need to write a check too.

We all hope the Covid pandemic will be over soon. We need to join hand-to-hand to overcome and help each other to build our future together.