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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/04

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/04

族群合融 共創輝煌

---  德州國際小姐選拔九月二十三日舉行

二十多年來我們在美國德州休斯敦西南區方圓五十英里之內共同打造了一座充滿活力的経濟區 包括中國城和國際區 這𥚃注入了多少先輩及後來者的血汗 這是一個令人感動的移民故事

美南新聞成功的舉辦了第二十六屆新春缐上慶祝大會 来自各族裔的社區領袖 市長 國會議員及多彩多姿的文藝表演 從我們在休斯敦的美南新聞廣場向全球直播 我告訴市長特纳說 我們要世界看見這座美麗的城市 他笑了

為了繼續長期利用美南電視的攝影棚 我們已經策劃不同族裔之社區文藝表演定期透過網路向世界傳播 其中包括 華裔 越裔 韓裔 印度裔拉丁裔 (墨西哥 哥倫比亞 委內瑞拉 秘魯 )黎巴嫩中東裔及主流社區 共分成十大組 定期在攝影棚中培訓有關禮儀 唱、 舞蹈 以培養年輕族群之才藝

經過半年之訓練和篩選 每組將分別選出三位代表角逐二O二二年九月二十三日在休斯敦城中希爾頓大酒店舉辦缐上及實體的ITC 德州國際小姐選拔及國際貿易中心年會 並將向二十位優秀學生颁發奬學金及皇冠奬品

今天我們回頭看看這個紛擾及疫情不斷的世界 確實我們擔憂 但是我們必須一切往前看 一定要走出困境和痛苦 面對陽光

我們筹備工作已經在十個不同族裔的支持下展開 也會定期向社會大眾會報有關進展 期待另一場文藝选美大會在今年九月二十三日隆重上演

ITC Miss International Pageant To Be Held In Houston, Texas

The first ITC Miss International Pageant will be held in Houston, Texas, in September of 2022 along with the annual gala of the International Trade Center.

This event is designed for dynamic participants to make a difference in their communities to improve education opportunities and to engage with professionals to better themselves.

ITC Miss International has established a foundation to help the less privileged in need of a college education.

Over the last twenty years we have jointly built a vibrant community within a radius of a 50-mile area including Chinatown and the International District.

We have been a successful sponsor of the 26th Anniversary Lunar New Year virtual celebration last week. We will continue to sponsor the show in our TV studio for all of the ethnic groups and invite them to join in the finals of the Miss International Pageant.

When we look back at the world, and because of the pandemic and the tragic misfortune it has caused, we really worry about our future. But we don’t want to give up. We need to build a better future for our next generation.

Our preparation work has now begun. We need all of your support to make this beautiful event a huge success.