大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/05

第二十四屆冬季奧林匹克運動會今天在北京揭幕, 开幕式上的聲光舞蹈結合了冰雪賽場上的激情舞姿, 再次向世界展示五千年文明古國之文化盛宴,敘述了“一切向未來”的冬奧運口號。
這也是中國首次在同一城市先後舉辦夏季和冬季奧運會, 將有十五大項及105個小項之比賽项目, 共有九十一個國家和地區參加盛會。
主辦國已把中華文明之因素奌綴在城市的每一個角落 ,並且伸出雙手迎接八方賓客, 奧運會是向全世界推廣文化傳播和塑建國家形象的契機。
從京張高鐵京禮高速全缐通車, 造雪開道從無到有, 正顯示中國近年來在科技5G 方面取得之巨人成就。
我們要熱烈祝賀冬奧會在疫情及諸多政治因素之干扰下能夠完美無缺地成為世界矚目的焦點 ,再次說明體育無國界的真正意義。
那是一九九一年的寒冬, 我首次走在天津西區的農村泥土上, 也和母親回到位於云南保山龍陵老家 數十年過去了, 今晨再次觀看冬奥會的震撼場面, 我們要以五千年华夏文化而倍感興奮。
我們深信奧運會之精神是在透過體育促進世界和平 ,在今後兩週,我們熱烈期盼各國選手在賽場上取得輝煌成績。
Welcome To The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
The 24th Winter Olympics Games were unveiled in Beijing today. The sound and light dances at the opening ceremony combined with the passionate dancing at the ice and snow arena showed once again the cultural feast of China’s 5,000-year-old civilization.
This is also the first time that Beijing has held both the Summer and Winter Olympics in the same city. There will be 15 major events and 105 sub-items. A total of 91 countries and regions will participate in the grand event.
The host country China has affixed displays of the many factions of the Chinese culture in every corner of the city and opened their arms to welcome the guests from all over the world.
It was a cold winter in 1991 when I walked on the rural road of Tianjin west district for the first time and returned to my hometown of Longling Baoshan in the Yunnan province. Decades have since passed as I now watch the exciting scenes of the Beijing Winter Olympics this morning. I am so excited.
Some of the giant achievements of the Chinese in recent years have occurred with the many major developments in the areas of science and technology.
We are convinced that the spirit of the Olympic Games is to promote world peace through sport. We are going to watch the games for the next two weeks.