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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/07

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/07


上週六我率領三十多位休斯敦地區華裔文藝武術代表 前往路易士安那州金德市厙沙塔博彩中心 作了一趟宣揚農曆中國新年文化巡禮 這個南部小鎮帶來了濃濃的新春味 我給她們帶上紅色的围巾並給大家發了紅包 再次告訴他們這是虎年的到來 顯示中華文化也是美國族裔的一部份

在鑼鼓宣天和金獅跳動聲中 大家欣賞了少林武街手斷鋼條及飛天擒刀之驚嘆表演 由韓若蘭小姐領導之舞蹈團演出之爵士現代舞 劉馨的苗林早晨小提琴獨奏 姚慧賢的高山青葫蘆絲表演 劉春池的春天的芭蕾獨唱 韓麗玫唱出的美麗的西班牙女郎 及精彩的二胡獨奏 他們的演出震撼了全場 大家的掌聲不斷

虎年是代表了力量和毅力 我們旅居世界各地之華人 視為最大的喜慶節日 我們始終記得前交通部長趙小蘭曾經不斷说過 我們大家不要忘記自己是華裔美國人 也以中華文化之悠久歷史為傲

我們的這個文藝隊伍 過八小時之往返在此能為發掦華夏文化之工作盡些心力 也感到無比的驕傲

We Are Giving Out Red Envelopes

Last Saturday I led our STV cultural and performance group to visit the Coushatta Casino Resort in Louisiana to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year and bring them red envelopes and tell them the year of the Tiger has arrived.

The dancing group led by Ruolan Han performed a jazz dance that was intoxicating and dangerous. Other performances included Cheng Dequen’s solo, “Horse Race,” Han Limei’s vocal solo,”Beautiful Spanish Girl,” Liu Xin’s violin solo, “ Morning in the Miao Lin” and Shao Lin Kufung’s wonderful performance on the stage.

                                                                                                                                                The Tiger represents strength and perseverance all over the world. The Chinese consider the Lunar New Year the most important festive festival. We always remember former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Hao who said, “We are very proud of our Chinese heritage.”

Today Southern News Group is doing our best to promote our culture. I am very proud that we could send this cultural group to perform the show and we hope everybody will have a happy and healthy new year to come.