大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/11

我見 我思 我閒
休斯敦市內近月來治安狀況繼續惡化, 最近在西南區哈文大道上之華人店主 屢遭搶劫, 其中包括把車子搶走财物洗刧一空, 令人恐懼不安 ,我們應加強互助團結, 呼吁休市警方要加強警力, 整頓治安。
我們在聽取國際區治安主任威特之報告指出 ,受害者多半是亞裔婦女, 她們常帶有現金及皮包 ,是犯案人之首選 ,做案者皆是些人游手好闲, 不務正業之年輕人, 乃社會之毒瘤。
國際區本月之常務月會中, 我們將討論安装四十台高速高淸的全天候攝影機 ,全程監控各大小街道及商塲銀行等人們聚居之大眾場合, 以協助警方辦案。
我們對於目前治安之急速败坏非常憂心, 上兩週拜登總統到紐約會見了社區及警方人士 ,對於目前之情勢似乎也未能拿出什麼新办法 ,但是有個根本之原因是非常重要的, 那就是家庭教育, 它是我們社會安定之主要因素。
近日在來在北京冬奧會上揚眉吐氣的華亞裔青年谷愛凌和陳巍都是在美國出生長大,而且是品學兼優的學生, 研其原因 ,他們都有一個非常盡責的父母親 ,教導和支持自己的子女成為社會之優秀份子。
放眼看去, 今天美國社會太多破裂之家庭 ,父母離異改嫁, 子女無法在正常家庭中成長 ,他們的未來可想而知。
Eileen Gu and Nathan Chen Are Role Models For All Of Us
The crime and security situation has continued to deteriorate in recent months for a lot of merchants on Harwin Street in Houston. Stores in the wholesale center have repeatedly been robbed, including the looting of many cars. It is very frightening and disturbing and we are urging the mayor and the police department to restore the public security.
According to reports, most victims are Asian women. At the next board meeting of the International District we are going to discuss installing 40 cameras in the district to help police investigate the crimes, most of which are being carried out by a young group of local, uneducated and jobless individuals.
We believe our fundamental problem is education. Many young people come from broken families. They can’t go to school to finish their education and are trying to survive.
Today we are so proud and happy to celebrate two very outstanding Chinese American young people, Eileen Gu and Nathan Chen. They both won Olympic medals. Why ? Because they both had very warm and close families and good parents to teach them how to become a good person.
We so much regret that many families are failing to teach their kids and so now we are facing very serious social problems.