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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/12

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/12


由谷愛凌和陳巍為首的華裔青年在本屆北京冬奧會上展現了無比威力 創造冬奧運歷史上新記錄 更為華裔爭光

根據統計數字顯示 在美國冬運代表团中有近四成是亞裔成員 而亞裔只佔全美人口的百分之七 究其原因多半是因為華亜裔家庭對子女教育之成功並對課外體育運動之特別重視

今天我們面臨的學校教育有重大之挑戰 在美國地方政府掌握有教育之資源和経費 聯邦政府之補助是非常有限 所以造成富有地區之税收比較多當地之學區就相對良好 許多華亜裔家庭拚命要在好学區去買房 主要是為了子女之教育 而那些貧困地區之學區相對資源和師資都無法相比加上父母親都是勞工階級 子女們只要能高中畢業 就直接進入職場 還談得上什麼去學才藝 上名牌大學 這也是我們社會逐漸貧富加大的原因

我們始終認為教育是改變社會最基本之要件 唯有加強教育資源才是國家未來之希望

We Are Proud Of Chinese Americans

The Chinese American youth led by Eileen Gu and Nathan Chen showed their incomparable power and skills at the Beijing Olympics games creating a new record and winning the gold medals.

According to statistics, nearly 40 % of the U.S. winter games delegations are Asian, while Asians account for only 7 % of our total population. Most of the reasons are due to the success of Asian families in their child’s education and the special attention given to extracurricular sports.

Today America is facing major challenges in school education. The school districts are run by local governments and federal government subsidies are very limited in the rich areas because of the higher taxable incomes. The schools are much better there so many Chinese Asian families will select the better school districts, but in some poor areas, the school districts have less resources. Most working families just want their kids to graduate from high school and go straight into the job market. These kids very rarely have an opportunity to learn much more about, or participate in, the arts or sports.

We always have believed that education should be our top priority and the basic element that will change our future.