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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/14

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/14


在這個疫情蔓延社會不安的時代, 我們目睹多少人在貧窮缐下求生, 許多困苦無助的社會低層民眾, 無家可歸 ,社會貧富懸殊不斷加大, 社會治安繼續敗壞 ,不論政客們大開支票 但是社會不公不義之黑暗面 他們是視而不見

我在美國生活了數十年 自己感到對社會之關懐還是非常不足 老實說 宗教團體確實發揮了重要的力量 如果美國這個國家沒有宗教之束縛 社會治安之墮落會更加嚴重

上週末我們有機會再次參加外孫女学校發動的社區福利義捐活動 她們透過自己親手創作的小禮物及藝術品在集市中出售並籌款做為社會公益之捐款當我們到達現場時 看到她們巧製的書箋 放置在桌面上 並且向顧客們兜售 許多家長們毫不吝於掏錢購買 据說當天的書箋全部賣光 當然其中也有我們的貢獻囉

我們更要繼續教育下一代的華亞裔年輕一代 作出積極之奉獻是責任也是義務

Contribution To Our Community

In order to support and encourage local kids, entrepreneurs at the fun event last weekend participated in the Love Bugs Children’s Business Fair hosted at Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

In the last two years, because of the spread of the pandemic and social unrest, we have witnessed so many people living in poverty and helplessness. The gap between the poor and rich is increasing. No matter how much politicians promise, they turn a blind eye to the dark side of social justice.

We were so glad last weekend that we were able to participate with our granddaughter and her friends. She made a beautiful bookmark and sold it at the fair.

As part of society, we as Asian American citizens need to do more to help the needy people and the less fortunate.

We are so glad that our younger generation fully understands their role in the community.