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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/21

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/21


上週六參加了嚴金佩珍老師的告別儀式 在梁德舜牧師之主禮下 眾多親朋好友及其學生在莊嚴的樂聲中 奇異恩典》《 聖歌送走了年一百零二歲的金老師 梁牧師說她已被接到了天堂 大家不要悲傷 我們要慶祝金老師一生不平凡的経歷

金老師早在一九四八年到了台灣 她曾經在台北一女 衛理等名校教授化學二十五年 她教過的學生無數 許多更成為社會之精英 可謂桃李滿天下 退休之後移居美國 教育子女成才 並時時參加僑社公益活動 盡天倫之樂

自從國民政府於一九四八年退守台灣以來 就如金老師這批教育精英份子在台灣這塊土地上發熱發光 在她們身上散發的那股光夏文化之氣息 造就了無數國家棟樑 金老師代表了中華民族最优秀的一面

今天 放眼看去 這些無論是在社會上出人头地或事業有成的後輩 必須以感恩之心 向金老師們這一代的老師們致敬

金老師的長女嚴崇芳女士在喪禮中向所有幫助過和愛過她的親朋好友致謝 她還特別提起內人朱勤勤女士帶著金老師看病的往事 事實上她和岳母湯冷女士是台北教育界的舊識好友 到美國休斯敦又再重逢

如今金老師走過了上百年的歲月 也正說明是一個大時代的結束

Say Goodbye To Mrs. Doris K. Yen

Last Saturday many friends and former students attended the memorial service for Mrs. Doris Yen in Houston, Texas. Reverend Peter Leong said in the ceremony that, “She had been received into Heaven. Don’t be sad. We want to celebrate her life.”

Mrs. Doris K. Yen arrived in Taiwan in early 1948 from Shanghai. She once taught chemistry in many famous high schools in Taipei. A lot of her students became the elite of society.

After she retired, she moved to Texas to join her family and still participated many community activities and spent very good times with her grandkids.

Today thousands of her students live all around the world. Most of them are very successful people. When we look back at our history, all of us really need to appreciate Mrs. Yen and many teachers for their lifetime contributions to education.

Her daughter, Carol Ma represented the whole family and thanked all the people who had been helping her mother. She also mentioned my wife Catherine who brought her mother to visit a doctor one time in the past. Actually, Mrs. Yen was my-mother-in-law’s old friend in Taipei.

In her 102-year journey, Mrs. Yen already has had a full life.