大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/23

我見 我思 我聞
普丁總統週二宣佈,承認鳥克蘭東部的頓內茨克和陸甘斯克是两個獨立國家, 並且已派遣維和步隊進入, 再度令東歐及世界局勢動盪。
美國立即宣布禁止美國人及企業到該地區投資 ,同時向澤倫斯基表達美國和其盟邦將迅速果斷地應對俄國之侵畧行為。
聯合國秘書長認為,俄國之行動不符合聯合國憲章之原則, 法國總統馬克宏已要求立即召開歐盟緊急會議提出制裁行動, 在此同時,德國也暫停和俄國签署北溪二号天然氣管道協議。
美國駐聯合國大使葛林斐德在安理會中直言 ,這就是俄羅斯為戰爭製造藉口。
澤倫斯基總統在緊急聲明中表示,要我們在棺材裡等死嗎 ?他呼籲美國和歐盟要採取立即和實際方式來幫助烏克蘭對抗俄羅斯之入侵。
俄國斷然採取承認烏東兩個地區是獨立國家的做法 ,顯然是對歐盟北大西洋公約及美國之公開挑戰 ,即便不是全面進攻烏克蘭, 但是這已經把烏克蘭迫近荒亂破產的邊緣。
從目前之狀況來看, 俄國在該地區巳經佔有優勢, 事實上他們對於美國和其他歐盟國家可能做出之制裁也早有準備。
我們從全球之新情勢來看, 烏克蘭絕非單一的問題, 自從蘇聯解體後 ,俄羅斯對於過去之傷痛至今仍然未能釋懷 ,烏克蘭這塊肥沃土地 ,是她的故有國土, 豈可让它加入北約來對付自己。
國際問題愈來愈加嚴重, 世界格局也不斷在改變, 諸如烏克蘭之處境 ,他不過是大國博奕下的一個棋子 ,真是在棺材𥚃等死 ?
Are We Waiting To Die In A Coffin?
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered troops into a separatist-held part of eastern Ukraine. It is unclear if this troop movement marks the beginning of an invasion of the Ukraine that western leaders have warned about in the last few weeks.
U.S. Ambassador Greenfield told an UN security meeting that, “President Putin is attempting to create a pretext for further invasion. So-called peacekeeping is nonsense.”
In the Kremlin, Putin made it clear that he sees Ukraine as indistinguishable from Russia and not an independent entity. He said that, “Ukraine is an integral part of our own history, culture and spiritual space,” and referred to, “comrades, relatives and people connected with us by blood,” and that, “modern Ukraine was created by Russia.”
Actually, Putin’s move on the two eastern Ukrainian regions which call themselves the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic is part of a steady march to a wider invasion of Ukraine.
In his emergency statement, Ukraine President Zalenski urged the world to come to the rescue of his country. He said, “We don’t want to die in our coffin.”
From the perspective of the new world situation, Ukraine is by no means a single problem. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia still feels the pain of the past. They just can’t let Ukraine join NATO to work against them.
Unfortunately, countries like Ukraine are just playing cards in the world of international politics.