美國新冠疫情日記 4/4/2020 志願精神與全民口罩

七十年初期我曾走訪紐約,街上向一位路人尋問街名,他們不懂英語, 近年來全世界移民湧入紐約,近半數都是來自不同國家的新移民。
Volunteer Response Touching The Heart Of Nation
Tens of thousands of volunteer medical doctors and nurses have traveled from across the nation to New York City to try and rescue the many people suffering from the Coronavirus.
New York Governor Cuomo in his daily briefing begged the nation’s medical workers to come and help.
New York City has always been such a shining star and proud city and the U.S. capital of world finance and center of world politics and media.
In the last several decades, many new immigrants have moved to New York City giving it a very diverse and unique culture.
The CDC says today that we should wear a cloth masks when we go out in public at all times. President Trump has undercut the new guidelines and said he will not wear mask himself. It is far from clear how many Americans will embrace the recommendation.