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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/02

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/02


烏克蘭首都基輔目前已被俄軍重重包圍並有大批部隊結集在前往支援俄軍途中 烏克蘭檢察長辛紐克宣布 將釋放目前在坐牢的前軍人立即出獄參加保衛首都之戰役

烏克蘭國防部長再度表示 任何願意且能夠拿起武器的人 只要持有護照就能加入領土防衛部隊

烏俄在北俄羅斯邊境之和平談判顕然已破局 英国對於莫斯科之意圖表示怌疑 他們認為是毫無誠意 但是目前在全球各地對烏克蘭之支持正在排山倒海的湧來 這對於抗俄行動是極大的精神和物質之鼓勵

由於烏國總統澤倫斯基仍然堅守家園和國人對抗俄軍深受人民之愛戴 一時變為戰時英雄

包括美國在內的歐盟成員國 目前正在快速動員為烏克蘭速送軍火 但是沒有一個國家派出地面及空中部隊增援 烏克蘭軍民力量可以支持多久尚難預料

拜登總統今晚在國會山莊將做首次國會諮商報告 值此俄烏戰事未休 國內物價飛漲 疫情仍然擾人 此時此刻對政府是巨大之挑戰

戰爭帶來之人間悲劇再次上演 妻離子散 逃亡他郷 炝火遍地 我們到底是政客們私慾下的犧牲品或是為了國家民族大義呢?

Ukraine Releases Prisoners To Defend Their Country

Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is currently surrounded by the Russian army and a large number of troops are gathered and on the way to support them. The government of Ukraine announced that they will release former soldiers currently in prison immediately and let them participate in the battle to defend the capital. The government also said that anyone who is willing and able to take up arms can join the military force as long as they hold the passports.

The peace talks between Russia and Ukraine on the northern Russia border have collapsed, but the president, still true to his homeland, sticks to his decision to stay and fight against the Russian army. He is deeply loved by the people and has become a wartime hero.

The western countries and the United States are continuing to send arms and supplies to Ukraine, but none of them have sent ground troops in to fight.

The tragedy brought about by the war is staged now again with families having to be separated only to become refugees and the victims of a politician with personal desire.

President Biden will deliver his first State of the Union message tonight. With the war still going on and the epidemic still disturbing, we are facing very serious challenges.