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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/08

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/08


今天我們非常榮幸在美南新聞傳媒中心新落成的美南環球劇坊接待休斯敦紀事報梅爾發行人一行, 包括董事長斯威尼先生, 我們已經近二十年未见面了

我們上次見面時 這理還是荒蕪一片 二十年來 我們經過在座的先驅者諸多社區商業領袖之努力 已經在國際區及西南區發展了近七百家各型大小商家及金融機構 成為休斯敦最亮眼的経濟示範區

今天我們和紀事報之媒體先進共聚一堂 並且邀集各族裔之領袖討論如何共同為休斯敦之繁榮和族群共容而盡力

我們同時有兩個願望 第一 我們希望和紀事報每年至少有次社區座談會 討論我們社區面臨之各項挑戰。第二 我們希望紀事報在休斯敦和全國之資源和近五十家的各族裔媒體 包括報紙 電視進行合作 舉辦各種活動 新聞交換以促進社區全面的経濟文化交流

我們和紀事報之交往 早在九O年代已經開始 我也要特別感謝早年擔任重責的麥德威及詹森先生 給予我們華亞裔之幫助

今天的聚會是我們二十年來的第一次 感謝梅爾發行人之來訪 也要謝謝我近三十年的老友羅旦索教授之安排


Welcoming Houston Chronicle Publisher Nancy Meyer And Chairman Jack Sweeney

Today we are very honored to welcome Madam Nancy Meyer, publisher of the Houston Chronicle and Chairman Jack Sweeney.

Mr. Chairman, we haven’t seen each other in nearly 20 years since you came to the International District.

Over twenty years ago most of Bellaire Blvd. was raw land. Over time, through the efforts of many business and community leaders, today we have developed hundreds of thousands of businesses in this area, including banks, supermarkets, retail stores and restaurants. We have become one of the most prosperous and successful business model areas of the City of Houston.

Today we are so glad to host this welcoming luncheon in our new Houston International Studio at our television center. We will use this new media platform to promote the City of Houston around the world.

Madam publisher, I have two proposals for your consideration. One of them is to have this type of community leaders meeting with the Chronicle at least twice a year; second is that we want to join with the Houston Chronicle and more than one hundred Asian media organizations, including TV stations and newspapers to promote local events. We can become partners in many areas to promote the greater Houston community.

 For myself and Mr. Gary Randazzo, Jim Noteware, Glen Gondo, Stephen Le and Danny Nguyen, as well as our board members of the International Trade Center and International District, are all here to say a heartfelt “thank you” for your many decades of support.

Again, Publisher Meyer, all the very best, and much success to you and the Houston Chronicle.