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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/11

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/11

美南環球劇坊 走向全球


這項活動將分成三大部份, 首先我們將在當天出版英文及西班牙文之國慶專刊, 以全彩色版面刊出該國之介紹, 其中包括文化、 経濟、 投資、 觀光等, 第二部份是邀請薩爾瓦多駐休斯敦總領事光臨現場, 接受採訪並立即透過臉書及油管向全球直播, 並可和薩國政要直接交流。第三大部份是我們將透過國際貿易中心邀請商界人士探討到該國投資, 並由主管機關答覆相關問題。

過去近二十年來, 美南新聞所屬之國際貿易中心曾為近萬家的中小企業舉辦過無數次的文化、 貿易 、金融、 座談會並和美國商務部進出口銀行合作為中小企業舉辦投資貸款交流會, 並經常和巴基斯坦、 加勒比海、 菲律賓、 越南及中華商會合辦各項交誼大會, 促進本地區之繁榮和進步。

我們非常興奮, 在此科技發達之時代, 透過網路新媒體, 連結世界共有研討如何加強彼此之交往。

剛在數天前的環球劇㘯開幕式上, 接待了來訪的休斯敦紀事報發行人梅爾一行, 她對於我們的設施和計劃也表示高度讚掦 ,並希望和華亞裔進行深度合作。

德州休斯敦地區駐有九十八個各國總领事及外交代表, 我們將分別洽請他們參加美南環球劇坊之系列,活動透過網路視頻拓展經貿外交活動 ,也為休斯敦走向全球畧盡薄力。

Houston International Studio “Going Global”

We are planning to sponsor our first international event to promote culture and trade with the country of El Salvador at the Houston International Studio at our Southern News Group headquarters.

The program will be in a three-part series. In the first part we will publish a bilingual Spanish and English version in our daily newspaper highlighting El Salvador’s culture, tourism and investment opportunities. The second part will be an invitation to El Salvador’s Consul General to come to our TV studio to conduct a live interview through Facebook and YouTube and our own 15.3 TV channel. For the number three part, we will invite interested people to invest in El Salvador to talk directly with their government officials and interact with members of the private sector.

Over the last twenty years, our Houston International Trade Center has held countless culture, trade and financial symposiums for nearly 10,000 small and middle-sized businesses. We have also cooperated with the SBA Import Export Bank and have held many seminars at the ITC with them. Many chambers of commerce have located their offices at the ITC including Pakistan, China, Philippine and Caribbean. We are so proud to serve these chambers and have hosted many events together with them.

Just a few days ago we had the honor to greet the new publisher of the Houston Chronicle, Nancy Meyer and Chairman Jack Sweeney at the opening of our Houston Interact tonal Studio. We all agreed to work together with the Chronicle more actively in the Asian and international community.

There are 98 consulates general offices stationed in Houston, Texas. Our goal is to invite them to visit our TV studio to promote their country’s culture, economy, trade and diplomatic activities through the New Media and also connect Houston to the world.