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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/17

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/17


聯合國秘書長古特雷斯警告 目前烏克蘭情勢核戰之前景到了可能的範圍之內普丁總統已經發出了可能並非完全空洞之核武恫嚇 在一份秘密文件中 克林姆林宮相信只有一次核打擊才能得到全面勝利

烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基昨天對美國國會慷慨激昂及悲情之演說 贏得全場之起立鼓掌致敬 他在視頻演說中表示 當年二次大戰之珍珠港及紐約911 事件今天不斷在烏克蘭發生中 他呼籲美國人民和拜登總統應立即幫助他們設立天空禁航區並給他們更多的彈藥戰機

老實說 拜登總統目前最擔心的是會不會挑起第三次世界大戰 我們是否值得直接面對俄羅斯之挑戰 不論華府之兩黨議員如何同仇敌忾, 拜登總統之考量是對的



根據警方報告 這名二十五歲之女兇手是以政治庇護之名譽由李律师代表她申請居留簽證 由于其他因素後來被李律師拒絕辦理

我們對此案之發生深表痛心 也不知道這名才二十五歲正值青春年華的女子 為何會下此毒手 難道律師拒絕代表她申請綠卡就值得她去殺人 老實說 華人在異國他鄉大家應守望相助 許多糾紛應大事化小 小事化無 團結起來才是我們共同努力之目標


昨晚前往參加了葛西亞家中之政治聚會 他在為今年底休斯敦市長大戰做預熱活動 這位以理財致富的拉丁裔富豪正走向從政之路

晚宴中出現之賓客 絕大部分是說西班牙語的拉丁裔社會精英 他們也是第二代移民子女 多年來 他們的上一代多半是涉水或爬铁絲網到美國來的所謂非法移民 経過多年之奮鬥許多諸如葛西亞已成為富人和社會領袖

他需要亞裔少數民族之選票 我們是關鍵少數 當然也願意助他一臂之力

The Threat Of Nuclear War Is Forming?

UN Secretary General Guterres warned this week that, “the prospect of nuclear war is now back within the realm of possibility.”

The war in Ukraine is at a high risk level that we have not seen since the Cuban Missile crisis. The Russian military is unusually vulnerable and continues to face devastating economic and domestic unrest. Its missiles have now struck a Ukrainian base nearby Polish territory.

President Zelensky appealed to the U.S. Congress for help yesterday in a historic speech telling U.S. lawmakers that. “We need you right now.” As he mentioned, the tragedies on the attack of Pearl Harbor and the September 11 terrorist attack provoke memories. He wants the U.S. to help enforce a no-fly zone in Ukraine to protect the attacks on civilians.

To be honest, what President Biden is most worried about is whether it will provoke World War III.

Chinese lawyer in New York stabbed to death

Li Jinjin, a 66-year-old Chinese lawyer in Queens was killed by a female customer in his office Monday morning.

According to the police report the 25-year-old female, Ms. Zhang, was represented by lawyer Li in an immigration case for political asylum for a green card. Li was suspended to serve on her case due to other factors.

We are deeply saddened by the occurrence of this case. We don’t know why this young lady had any reason to kill her lawyer because he refused to represent her on her case. To be honest, we as new immigrants to this land need to help each other. Many disputed issues should be turned into peace resolutions.

The battle for Houston’s mayor begins

Last night we went to a gathering at Mr. Gilbert Garcia’s home for his warm up activities for the Mayor of Houston election to be held at end of this year.

Most of the guests who appeared at the party were Spanish-speaking Latino social elites. They were also the second generation of new immigrants. After many years of struggle,  many people have become rich and become social leaders, including. Mr Gilbert Garcia.

We are so glad he is running for political office to fight for most of us. We as Asian Americans will come out to learn and support him.