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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思0328

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思0328



由在華府全美少數族裔商會組織長董继璘女士在休斯敦主持的中小商業圓桌會議中, 我也參加了並發言陳述我們今日面對之挑戰

圓桌會議上有來自许多政府及大企業代表 能和少數族裔之業者代表面對面交谈 主要是討論疫情期間如何面對種族歧視 治安及経營上之困難等問題

席間董會長為大家解說美國各大企業及联邦政府是如何伸出援手為大家服務 會上許多中小企業紛紛表示了他們許多困境需要聯邦州及市政府之協助

今日美國整體経濟中小型企業是最重要之主力 在此疫情期間 我們發現了許多在華亞裔社區之商家主要之問題 其中包括大部分商家是微企業 换言之多半是家庭夫妻檔加上一二位員工 他們沒有比較完整的財務報表及報稅記 當遇到重大災難及疫情時 政府之救災必須有所依據 否則非常難予批准。其次是華亞裔人士來自許多亞洲國家 他們以前的僑居地政府多半沒有救助企業之說 只要官員不向他們索取賄賂就謝天謝地了 由于他們自立更生之天性 也不習慣向政府求援了

但是 我們在此關鍵時刻 必须要糾正這種觀念 我們大家所花費的是我們自己徼納的税金 官員們支領之一切薪金 都是納稅人的錢

我們非常感謝董會長 她扮演的是政府 大企業和少數族裔之溝通橋樑工作 我們也要代表所有國際區中小企業表示由衷之謝忱

我們今天所做所為 對社會之奉獻 必然會留下歷史之記录。

The Problems Of Local Small Business


President Chiling Tung was hosted by The National ACE small business in-person roundtable series which gives local Houston Asian American & Pacific Islander business owners an opportunity to discuss and network with key elected officials and corporate leaders on current business issues that affect them directly. Those issues include the current state of business, the affects of Covid-19, the anti-AAPI hate policy and the recovery of AAPI business in the Houston market. 


President Tung explained to everyone how the major American enterprises and federal government are willing to help local small business in many ways. 


Today small businesses are playing a major role in our economies. During the epidemic we found that the main problem of many businesses in our community is that they are “micro- businesses.” In other words, most of them are operated by families or couples plus one or two employees. They don’t have any complete or related financial statements or tax returns.


When we encounter major disasters and epidemics, the government requires you to have a basic accounting record for disaster relief assistance. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get approval. The other problem is the culture issue. Most of the new immigrants came from Asian countries and most of the local governments do not provide assistance to businesses. As long as they don’t ask for bribes from them, they will be thankful to god. And because of their self-reliant nature, they are not used to asking for help from the government.


But at this critical moment in time, we must correct this concept. What we are spending today is the Texas money we pay to the government for taxes. All of the salaries paid to officials come out of the taxpayers’ money. 


We are so grateful to President Chiling Tong. She plays a very important role of bridging the gaps between large companies, the federal government and local ethnic minority businesses.


What we do today for our community will inevitably leave an historical record.