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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0402

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 0402



隨著5G 時代之來臨 我們新建的美南环球劇坊全面啟動, 將是美南傳媒走進一個新時代之開始。

首先是打開和主流媒體及國際外交文化之交流 我們將透過舞台上之巨大視頻 ,邀請各國駐在休斯敦之外交代表總領事和華府高層對話, 並和他們國家之首長即時視訊交流, 為各國之總領馆出版國慶專刊, 促進和當地國之宣傳和交往。

美南電視已聘請財經專家定時綫上綫下對話, 並和黎巴嫩 墨西哥、 菲律賓等社區報發行人, 協助他們把平面及電視社群媒體結合, 創建未來生存發展之空间。

美南小主持人訓練營即將從六月五日起開學, 我們也正在籌備其他歌唱 鋼琴、 小提琴等才藝訓練班, 邀請最優秀的教師 透過電視大屏幕 為我們年輕下一代培養出才智雙全的好青年, 培訓課程將是我們今後非常重要的發展項目。

國際文化體育交流是當時全世界最流行的媒體項目, 諸如拳擊大賽轉播, 國際小姐選美大賽, 都是我們在積極籌辦之中。

美南日報也將進行改版, 我們將加強每日社論專欄及僑社及地方新聞 並將在一稿二用之情況下让每晚之電視新闻更加充實。

社群媒體將加強人員負責编排 其中最主要的是美南新聞官網、 YouTube 臉書、 微信 將快簡正確,資訊新聞即時更新。

目前,我們也在加州洛杉磯派駐特派記者, 定時報導加卅華人社區新聞, 加州和全球观眾可以下列方式接收我們的節目:


2 ITalkBB 訂戶請到地方電視台查美南新聞

3。到Google YouTube 中找 美南電視

4 app southern news group

5 休斯敦 地區請上 無線電視台15.3


Southern News Group Will Innovate Again

With the advent of the 5G era, our newly built Houston International Studio will be the beginning of a new era for our media business.

First of all, we will start to host diplomatic roundtables with local diplomats and have instant exchanges and talks around the world. And we will publish special news editions for various countries to celebrate their national days in our daily newspaper.

We also will invite many financial experts to host talk shows to discuss the current economies in several regions of the world. Many local ethnic communities, such as Lebanon, Mexico and the Philippines theaters can combine the newspaper articles and TV show programming together for their readers and viewers.

Southern TV Junior Host training camp will begin on June 5th. This year we are also preparing another talent training course, including singing, piano and violin instruction and more, and will invite the best instructors to cultivate our next generation.

International cultural and sport exchanges have been the most popular media events in the world, such as boxing and the Miss International Beauty Pageant which we are actively organizing.

There are so many ways you can watch all our shows. Just start by going to scdaily.com online and search for ITalkBB. You can also go to Google and YouTube online and search for our name, STV, then go to local Channel 15.3.

We will continue to make the effort to bring you all the current updates to serve everyone.