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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0414

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0414


世風日下 令人擔憂

位於休斯敦北邊柯林高中社會科教師威爾琪士被指控在教室中放映色情影片 ,校方立即把他解職並立即交由法律門處理

校方在一項聲明中表示 我們決不容許這種行為在教室中發生 事發後引起社會和家長们之譁然 對於這名老師之行為紛紛加予譴責和不滿

這項非常離譜的事件 正說明美國教育之失敗 及管理之不當 在目前之制度下 ,美國全國育是由地方辦理 換言之 ,中央教育部只有一些政策上的指導 経費全由地方籌措 ,由於各地地產價格貧富差距甚大 徵稅多少和地產價格有密切關係 換言之 學區之経費自然相差很大 ,有錢人的學區可以聘請優良教師校舍及其他相關設施也更好得多

美國學區教育上最大的一個問題還是在老師之待遇偏低 許多人都不願做老師 ,因此 全國各地都有教師荒的問題 ,許多學區只雇用代課老師來充數了

老師公然在教室𥚃放色情片 正暴露了學校面臨無法招聘到合格之師資 造成道德敗壞家長忿怒之結果

教育乃國家百年大計 我們盼望聯邦政府教育部能正視有關問題 ,應該立即給予地方教育學區更多之資助和指導 這應該是國家未來發展最重要的一環

Local Area Teacher Accused Of Showing Pornography

Houston area Klein Collins High School teacher Kevin Welchel is accused of showing a pornographic video to his class.

According to school district officials, Welchel was immediately removed and is no longer with the school.

In the meantime, law enforcement is now working with the District Attorney to file charges. The district doesn’t tolerate any such completely unacceptable conduct.

According to the allegation, the pornography was propped up on a smart board connected to the teacher’s school issued laptop computer.

This very outrageous incident shows the failure and mismanagement of our local school district. In light of this incident, we also need to take a hard look at the current education system in America.

Under the current system up to the high school level, education is handled locally. All of the school districts are funded by local tax money. Due to the large gap between the rich and poor areas, income from tax money makes a very big difference to the various school districts. Of course, the richer districts can employ better teachers and provide better resources for their students.

One of the biggest problems is that we don’t offer good pay for our teachers. Therefore, there is a serious shortage of teachers these days.

Education is the key factor for our country. Unless we can educate more talented students, our nation will face more challenges in the future.

It is very sad. We urge President Biden to pay more attention to our local issues, especially those problems that deal with education.