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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0415

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0415



在休斯敦國際區發展, 是我們努力之重要目標, 隨著疫情之漸缓, 社區餐飲生意正在不斷復甦之中

今天我和德州州議員何伯市議員托姆斯共同代表國際區來到百利大道為雪莉小姐獨資開辦之法式茶餐室剪綵 歡迎她參加到國際區大家庭 雪莉自休斯敦大學畢業之後 因對飲食文化之熱愛 決定創業開設首家法式餐廳 她的夢想終于在今天實現

二十年前 國際區位於休斯敦西南區可謂一片荒蕪之地 有鍳於新移民之大量湧入 我和何伯議員發起成立國際區以爭取在百利大道及週邊各大街道方圆十三哩之地方向州議會申請為國際區 當初我們挨家挨戶向商家说明 如果我們要美化街道 加強治安 自立更生 並希望大家支持成立國際區管理委員會 要求政府撥出特別預算 當時在州議會中有許多人反對 但経過冗長之討論终於在一年後通過 並得到州長及市長之簽署而正式成立徳州休斯敦國際區 每年近一百七十萬元之預算 進行各項加強治安 改善 招商等工作

十多年過去了 今天我和何伯州議員再度在國際區百利大道上為許多新店剪綵 回首当年我們的艱辛努力把荒地變成商塲和店家 心中有無限的安慰和感觸 雖然我們並撑握整治國家之大計 區區一個國際區也算是小兵成大功為社會盡一份薄力了

We Cut The Ribbon In The International District

We were so happy to join the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of the Baguette & Tea store on Bellaire Blvd. in the International District yesterday.

Joining us were State Representative Hubert Vo and City Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas and a representative from Commissioner Cagle’s office.

Congratulations to our younger generation for starting a new business after the pandemic. We are seeing that the economy is constantly recovering.

Shirley is the owner of the business. She told me that after she graduated from the university, because she loves the food culture, she decided to open the restaurant and her dream   finally came true today.

Twenty some years ago this location in the southwest part of the city was described as a “deserted place.”   There was a large influx of new immigrants there that had moved in. State representative Hubert Vo and many community leaders initiated the effort to establish a special international zone to promote businesses in the area. After we visited many businesses door-to- door, we got enough petitions to support the international zone. Hubert finally sponsored a bill in the Texas House. After almost one year, we finally got the bill approved to establish the International Management District. Since then, we had a more than $1.7 million dollars budget to strengthen the public security, improve and beautify the streets and attracted more businesses to our district.

Almost twenty years later, Hubert and I walked along the International District again. We felt so proud and comfortable in our hearts. We are like the small soldier trying to build a small community. We saw many people with smiles on their faces in the district. We hope for them the best of success.