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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0420

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0420


聯邦教育部正在實施優惠方案, 許多向聯邦政府貸款的學生給予減免, 這項宣佈將使成千上萬的學生受惠。

從今年三月底開始, 根據拜登政府通過的一千七百億救助金方案, 在四千三百萬的貸款學生中有七十萬人受惠, 因受疫情影響,許多貸款也允許延到八月三十一日支付。

在這項新的措施中, 許多貸款學生可以依照其收入和家中人口比例降低每月支付金額, 凡是已經在過去二十至二十五年還款的人, 可以立即免除貸款。

拜登總統不顧同黨人士之反對, 堅決主張給予貸款學生更多之減免及優惠。

老實說, 我們對政府這項德政是舉雙手贊成 ,對於那些從學校畢業後就债台高筑的學生們真是个大好消息。

今天我們教育有非常嚴重的分配不均,各大公私立大學學費不斷上漲 ,許多優秀學生生長在貧窮家庭 ,上大學是件非常困難之事, 尤其是低收入家庭, 許多學生在高中時就輟學了。

教育是國家未來最重要的投資,我們也主張把所有社區大學開放, 不收學費, 让所有人都能去上大學。

聯邦政府每年預算有許多都是浪費, 在教育経費上應多增加預算 ,才是國家及人民之幸。

                                    Biden Will Bring 3.6 Million Student Loan Borrowers To Loan Forgiveness


The U.S. Department of Education is planning to change the federal student loan system to help many people come closer to recovering with a debt forgiveness decision.


By the end of March more than 700,000 of 43 million federal student loan borrowers had seen their outstanding debt discharged under President Biden totaling more than $17 billion in relief. Because of the pandemic he extended payments until August 31.


Another 40,000 borrowers will receive immediate forgiveness through the public service Loan Forgiveness Program because they will get credit for more of their payments.


Biden has resisted pressure from other Democrats to grant broad student loan forgiveness.


Today we are facing serious uneven distribution in our education system. The tuition fees of private and public universities continue to rise and many excellent students grow up in poor families. It is very difficult for them to go to college and many of them drop out of high school.


Education is the most important investment for the future of the nation. We also advocate opening all the community colleges without tuition fees. Everyone should be able to go to college. We need to have a more effective budget program developed and applied to address the educational needs of every community.