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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0421

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0421


春臨大地是一场美的盛事 繁花爭艷的季節 芳香傳送溫情 我們要感恩 再次的感恩 上天再次給予我們的美好時光

今年的春天來得早些 後院參差高樹長得特別翠綠 前院的杜娟已經盛開了近二個月之久花枝招展 澀而驚艷地伸放在花叢中 錦簇花卉穿過長廊 叫人聞不夠 看不厭 願春色永駐 溫柔的細雨 給人帶來歡樂的祝福

生活在美國南部德州的人 人間四月天是最令人悅愉的時光 我們沿着前往首府奥斯丁的290州際公路 滿山遍野長出了有名的藍帽花它是德州州花 據說 當年美國總統詹森在越南戰爭的泥沼中決心不再連任 回鄉到了首府附近之老宅 縂統夫人決心倡議在德州大量種植野花 其中包括藍帽花 每當四月深春時節 我們看見之満地的野花 聞到撲鼻的花香 我們總是記起了琳達詹森夫人 她雖已遠去 她仍然活在人們心中 至少在春花開的時節

Joyful Springtime!

Springtime is here. It is the season of flowers competing for beauty. We should be very grateful because we are enjoying the beautiful times again. This year, spring came earlier. Our backyard flowers have been in full bloom for nearly two months.

We live in the southern part of the United States and especially in Texas, April is the most pleasant time for us. When we drove down highway 290 to Austin, the capital of the state, the famous bluebonnets were growing all over the road. People told me that when the Former First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson came back home from Washington, DC, she was the only one trying to plant the wildflowers all over the state highway. Today even though she is far away from us, we still remember her especially in the springtime.

We should feel very fortunate that we live in this great land without war, fear and bloodshed.

Many of us came here from different corners of the world. We now call America our home. We all need to help each other to look for a brighter future.

The spring season will be gone soon, but we still hope that there will be other springtimes in the future.