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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0426

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0426


國務卿布林肯和國防部長奧斯丁聯衭於週日訪問了烏克蘭首都基輔市並會晤了總統澤倫斯基 並承諾給予烏國額外三億美元軍援並且出售價值一點六五億美元的彈藥 並將很快派出大使及外交人員重近基輔工作這也是二月底俄烏大戰以來美國派出的最高政府代表

在雙方見面之會談中 澤倫斯基矢言要在戰爭中贏得最後勝利 布林肯也認為俄羅斯正走向失敗之中

無可諱言 烏克蘭能和俄羅斯繼續戰鬥 美國和北約各國之支援是主要因素 否則它被俄羅斯佔領是必然之結果 時至今日 美國堅持不會派兵參戰 以免挑起世界大戰

今天造成世界各國物價厾漲和通物膨脹 主要的原因是疫情和戰爭 年多來各國面對新冠病毒可謂焦頭爛額 頑強的變種病毒不斷侵襲全球 貧窮地區只有聽天由命

我們認為 俄烏之戰將是塲改變世界未來之戰爭 俄羅斯在以美國為首之抵制必然會元氣大傷 烏克蘭數百萬之難民必然會造成歐洲各國之重大負擔和壓力

我們寄望聯合國能發揮調能力 為世界帶來和平 解除一千多萬烏國人民之苦痛

Highest-Level U.S. Officials Visit Ukraine

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary LIoyd Austin traveled to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and met with President Zelensky.

The Biden Administration will provide $713 million in additional military financing to Ukraine.

Zelensky’s office issued a statement emphasizing the importance of the U.S. officials’ visit and stressed that the country “counts on the support of our partners.”

In the meantime, Blinken and Defense officials made clear that the U.S. military would still not be involved directly in the war.

Secretary of Defense Austin said, “..we want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done by invading Ukraine.”

Today we saw many sad stories coming out of Ukraine. Many countries around the world are still suffering from the Covid -19 pandemic and inflation is causing many prices to rise which makes the lives of many people more difficult.

We all hope that the war will be over soon. We are expecting that the United Nations could come to a solution to bring peace to all the world.