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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0426

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0426


国务卿布林肯和国防部长奥斯丁联衭於週日访问了乌克兰首都基辅市并会晤了总统泽伦斯基 并承诺给予乌国额外三亿美元军援并且出售价值一点六五亿美元的弹药 并将很快派出大使及外交人员重近基辅工作这也是二月底俄乌大战以来美国派出的最高政府代表

在双方见面之会谈中 泽伦斯基矢言要在战争中赢得最后胜利 布林肯也认為俄罗斯正走向失败之中

无可讳言 乌克兰能和俄罗斯继续战斗 美国和北约各国之支援是主要因素 否则它被俄罗斯佔领是必然之结果 时至今日 美国坚持不会派兵参战 以免挑起世界大战

今天造成世界各国物价厾涨和通物膨胀 主要的原因是疫情和战争 年多来各国面对新冠病毒可谓焦头烂额 顽强的变种病毒不断侵袭全球 贫穷地区只有听天由命

我们认為 俄乌之战将是塲改变世界未来之战争 俄罗斯在以美国為首之抵制必然会元气大伤 乌克兰数百万之难民必然会造成欧洲各国之重大负担和压力

我们寄望联合国能发挥调能力 為世界带来和平 解除一千多万乌国人民之苦痛

Highest-Level U.S. Officials Visit Ukraine

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary LIoyd Austin traveled to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and met with President Zelensky.

The Biden Administration will provide $713 million in additional military financing to Ukraine.

Zelensky’s office issued a statement emphasizing the importance of the U.S. officials’ visit and stressed that the country “counts on the support of our partners.”

In the meantime, Blinken and Defense officials made clear that the U.S. military would still not be involved directly in the war.

Secretary of Defense Austin said, “..we want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done by invading Ukraine.”

Today we saw many sad stories coming out of Ukraine. Many countries around the world are still suffering from the Covid -19 pandemic and inflation is causing many prices to rise which makes the lives of many people more difficult.

We all hope that the war will be over soon. We are expecting that the United Nations could come to a solution to bring peace to all the world.