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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0427

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0427


由美南新聞及各族裔商會共同舉辦的德州経濟圓桌會議 明天中午將在美南坯球劇坊舉行第一次的系列活動 將為推動德州経濟活動帶來一股活力

我們相識數十年的好友前赫里斯郡郡長艾克斯將是我們首位出席的主演人 並由前.密蘇里市市議員戴納斯主持 將有許多政商各界領袖出席

早在美南新聞草創時期 艾克斯郡長當時是代表休斯敦西南區當選為州議會議員 後來當選為赫里斯郡郡長後 連任十多年 其任內曾經完成市八號公路 並逢紐奧良大風災 數十萬災民被安置在太空休育館及周邊學校 都是他在掌握全局 危機處理 任內因功蹟显著, 被小布希總統任命為國家治安顧問

多少年後 他重返民間 做為律師也參予商業活動 此間他慨慷承諾 再為德州経濟繁榮貢獻心力

德州経濟在全國物價高漲及通物膨脹之大壓力下 依然一枝獨秀 各方投資大量湧入 我們主辦的圓桌會議定提供一些最快最新的資訊

特斯拉宣布最近在德州奧斯丁建成了一座全世界最大的室內電車裝配廠 谷歌 三星也不斷在德州擴大基地 石油天然氣開採又再次輝煌每週有數萬人遷移德州 可說是情勢一片大好

We Are Hosting The “Texas Economic Roundtable”

The Texas Economic Roundtable jointly organized by the International Trade Center and many local chambers of commerce will hold the first in a series of activities with a luncheon tomorrow at the Houston International Studio. The Texas Economic Roundtable plans to bring a new and energizing vitality into the community to promote the economy of Texas.

Former Harris County Judge Robert Eckels will be our keynote speaker and former Missouri City councilman Danny Nguyen will host the meeting. We have invited many local politicians and community leaders to join at this roundtable.

Judge Eckels is recognized as a national leader in issues of transportation, public finance, crisis management, disaster preparation, homeland security, education and healthcare. He served six terms in the Texas House of Representatives before being elected county judge of Harris County.

We have known Judge Eckels for more than thirty years. As an old friend, he has come back to our community and will try to help all of us understand the current situation in Texas as well as in the nation.

We are so very proud to sponsor this economic roundtable to promote Texas.

Today tens of thousands of people are moving to Texas every month. Tesla has just announced the recent construction of the world’s largest indoor auto assembly plant in Austin, Texas. Google and Samsung also are constantly expanding their base in Texas while the natural gas and oil business are also booming.

We are here to provide all the information to those people who want to come to Texas.