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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0429

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思   0429

互助互利 共創輝


今午在美南新聞總部新建的美南環球劇坊內 邀集了五十多位休斯敦社區領袖及商業精英共同探討德州経濟現況及未來之展望

在德州政壇輝煌數十年的赫里斯郡郡長埃克斯主持了這塲圓桌論壇 他講述了發起籌建休斯敦到達拉斯之子彈列車至今己経十多年 由于這是私人企業投資計劃 征地手續煩雜 去年本來預計得到日本政府之貸款 但因安培下台又生變 因此計劃又再擱淺 他強調 這條子彈高速列車不但是必需而且是未來德州経濟開展之主要動力

他向在座的人士表示 我們國家之制度有許多缺失要推動任何大的建設計劃困難重重 尤其是民間企業來從事大型交通建設 非得有政府在財政及法規上給予協助

埃克斯郡長之父親 也是前任郡長 他是開通百利大道的第一人 埃克斯回憶說 當年只有來往之雙缐道 今天他站在美南新聞總部門口時 非常感慨地說 :“你們對百利大道之繁榮有很大的功勞

李雄區長及李兆瓊兄都到場參加 並發表高見 他們在抱怨休斯敦大商會根本沒有把許多主要規劃藍圖把西南區包括在內 我們是自立更生 創造了商業奇績

我們今後規劃了每月下旬之商業経濟圓桌會議 繼續邀請各界政商人士 討論未來之發展 並發揮相互扶持互通有無 互助互利共創輝煌

A Brighter Future To Promote Business 

Texas Global Business Roundtable

More than fifty Houston local community leaders and business elites were invited to the Houston International Studio to discuss the current situation and future prospects of the Texas economy. Former Harris County Judge Robert Eckels and former Missouri City Councilman Danny Nguyen co-hosted the Roundtable Forum.

Judge Eckels talked about the high-speed bullet train between Houston and Dallas. The project has been facing problems, but he firmly believes that it will become the main driving force for the future development of the Texas economy.

Judge Eckels recalled that not so long ago there were only two lanes of traffic on Bellaire Blvd., but today when he stood in front of our office building, he said with great emotion that you all have really contributed to the prosperity in this area.

The Chairman of the Southwestern District and architect C.C. Lee was also among the guests. He and Judge Eckels have been old friends for more than three decades.

We are now planning to hold the Texas Global Business Roundtable on a monthly basis. We will continue to invite politicians and business leaders to discuss the future of our city and our country.