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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0504

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0504

達拉斯 這個耀眼的城市

今晚又在德州達拉斯和相識多年的老友們相聚 ,首先大家感到欣幸的是這個充滿活力的城市仍然生機盎然 ,華人社區新舊同胞在不同之領域中取得諸多成績 為我們在海外奮鬥之歷史寫下了新篇章

今天全美及世界各地的新居民不斷湧進了這座充滿機會的南方大城 華人超市人頭攢動 各地方言此起彼落 大家衣著時尚 手提名包 他們臉上的自信可能是源於口袋中銀子滿滿

達拉斯是德州第三大城及美國第九大城 人口約一百二十萬 但包括福沃都會區是德州最大及全美第四大都會區 人口近七百萬人 達拉斯擁有深厚之歷史文化及美食 在迪利廣㘯是甘納迪總統遇刺身亡之地 著名的南浸信會大學有小布希總統之圖書館 這位退休的牛仔總統在他巨大的莊園中安逸地畫畫和寫作 布什家族曾經引令世界政治功過歷史自有判斷

我們的好友赫里斯郡前郡長艾克斯今晚在一家由老美經營名為中國餐館和數十位亞華裔領袖進餐 暢談德州經濟現狀及休斯敦和達拉斯之高鐵遠景 我們同意他的看法徳州是美國經濟未來的主力

回想八十年代我們駕著一輛本田卡車 不知多少次往返在四十五號公路上 每次拖著疲憊的身軀回到母親身邊 飽餐一頓云南家鄉菜 又給我無限的溫暖和力量 如今媽媽已離去多年 那楝舊屋依在 但已人事全非 母親的音容和鄉音繞溢在心


Dallas Here We Come

Tonight we gathered with old friends who have known each other for many years in Dallas. Both the new and old Asian Americans have had many achievements in many fields and they are writing the new chapter.

Today new residents around the world continue to pour into the city full of opportunity. The Asian supermarkets are crowded. Everywhere people are wearing fashionable clothes and carrying designer handbags. You can see the self-conference on their faces.

Dallas is the third largest city in Texas and the ninth largest city in the United States. It has more than 1.2 million people, but when include with the Ft. Worth metro area, the combined population is over 7 million.

Dallas has profound history, culture and food. This is the city where President Kennedy was assassinated.

The famous SMU University is where former President Bush’s library is housed. The retired president’s family once led the world’s politics.

Our good friend, former Harris County Judge Robert Eckels, also joined us at the dinner party with a group of Asian leaders. We all talked about the current economy in Texas and we all agreed that Texas will be the main force in the future for the U.S. economy.

Looking back I recalled how many times I drove my Toyota truck between Houston and Dallas on Highway 45. Every time I dragged my tired body back to my mother’s house a warm meal of hometown cooking gave me infinite warmth and strength. Now my mom has been away from us for many years. The old house is still there, but mom’s voice and delicious food is no longer there.

Tonight we came back to Dallas with many of our old and new friends to create a new chapter of business.