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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0512

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0512

為公益事業解囊 送上社會溫情


成立於一九九二年的德州赫里斯郡醫院基金會多年來在各界人士之熱心捐助下 先後已經為赫里斯郡所屬之五家公立醫院捐助了超過一億多美元 今天上午在一項捐贈儀式中 基金會再次向醫院捐出了四千五百九十萬美元

基金會成立為非營利組織其宗旨是喚起民眾對社區健康之重視 並協助赫里斯郡醫院系統改進各項設備增進居民之福祉

在這項巨額贈中 將把三千萬元用於改建本塔急救中心之改建和醫療設備 一千五百萬元用在公立詹森醫院緊急治療中心之改建及其他設施 九十萬元用於梅鐸緊急診所之改建工程之用 為了感謝基金董事會對公衞事業之貢獻,兩大醫院將把基金會董事名單刻在大門進口處 表彰他們之努力捐獻

赫里斯醫院基金會當初是由本鐸醫院指獻人本鐸家人成立 多年來其後代人一直主持基金會之工作 一直到去年才由民間企業家弗蘭克林先生擔任會長 赫里斯醫院系統是由縣政府每年以二十億経費支持五家公立醫院 尤其是公立本鐸醫院絕大多數之病人都是沒有醫療保險 而這些醫院都是來者不拒 提供最佳之治療 更顯示我們社會慈善關懷的最高情操

過去十多年來 我也非常榮幸一直擔任董事一職 経常參加在富人俱樂部之募捐活動 許多休斯敦地區之富豪名流常常是大筆一揮 捐上百萬是家常便飯 我也真正目睹了這些慈善家之愛心

我們也希望大家都能發揮愛心慷慨解囊 為貧窮市民盡份心 

此次之巨額捐款 除了各大基金會之外主要還是來自市井小民 每當我們看到許多貧困居民遇有病痛 只有到公立醫院求醫 否則 一般醫院之費用是非常高昂 老實說,我們的社會還是有十分溫暖的一面。

赫里斯郡醫院基金會多年之工作 受到社會各界之高度肯定 我成為其中一員 也是毕生之榮

Big Check To Harris County Hospital System

The Harris County Hospital District Foundation Board passed a resolution and an unprecedented grant to the Harris Health System, which included a $30 million restricted grant to Ben Taub Hospital Level I Trauma Center (the Ginni and Richard Mithoff Trauma Center) for construction costs and medical equipment only. Another $15 million grant to the Lyndon Johnson Hospital Level III Emergency Center construction costs and medical equipment was passed along with a $99,000.00 grant for the Ben Taub Hospital Level I construction costs. The total amount will be $45.9 million dollars.

The Harris County Hospital District Foundation, a charitable 501C3 organization, raises funds and awareness in support of the Harris Health System. Established in 1992, the Foundation already has granted in excess of $104 million for the Harris Health System programs and services.

Over the years, the Foundation has created and sponsored a number of annual events in the community with the goal of raising community awareness about the Harris Health System, while at the same time raising funds targeted for specific hospital programs and services.

Today the Harris County government supports five public hospitals and other institutions in our area. Most of them are services that empower people in the region. They have a budget of over $2 billion, but they still need the general public to help the foundation to continue to play a very important role in their development.

I am very honored and proud to have served on the Board for over the last ten years. I also want to urge our community and friends to open your checkbooks and donate your money to help those people who really need your help.

The work done by the Harris County Hospital Foundation is highly recognized by our community. Under the leadership of Mr. Theodore Franklin and many other Board members, we want to recognize and show our appreciation for your service.