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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思0516

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思0516



一名十八歲白人青年全幅武裝並開了實況轉播相機向紐約州水牛城開槍掃射大開殺戒打死了十一位黑人和名白人 事發地距離水牛城市中心只有幾英里 是黑人集居地區

這名兇嫌是居住在離水牛城二百英里外的肯林城他的名字叫培東根敦 他在社群媒體上公開自己對黑人之 特別選在黑人居多之地區下手 他還在文章中指出他支持白種人正被新移民及有色人種逐漸取代 因此他是支持白人優越主義者

警察局長克馬利亞在事發後之記者會上非常氣憤地表示 兇嫌還公然在實況轉播行兇現狀 這簡直令人髪指

我們要再次非常痛心的指出 這是種族歧視之殘酷暴行 再一次暴露了我們非常嚴重之社會問題 由于槍支泛濫 任何人都垂手可買 一直不斷選成無數無辜死於槍下

近年來疫情重劊之下 政客正在煽風點火 在病毒 移民 経濟冋題上都指向有色人種成為待罪羔羊 政客們因而以操控族群對立而謀求政治利益 一直到現在為止 德州鄉鎮地區目前還拒絕慶祝金恩博士出生紀念日 可見他們心裡仍然非常歧視有色人種

今天我們居住在美國的華亞裔更要多加團結自救 那些種族主義者之枉法行為 必須喚起政府及民間之注意 水件城之種族謀害事件 絕不是單一行為 他們那批心懷仇恨的份子 他們隨時會出現在你的身邊 不可不防了

Hate Crime Mass Shooting Again

Last Friday, May 14th, a mass shooting occurred at a neighborhood supermarket in Buffalo, New York, targeting primarily African Americans. Thirteen people were killed. The shooting was live-streamed by the attacker on the social media service Twitch.

Erie County Sheriff Garcia said that this was “pure evil.” He called the shooting, “a straight-up racially motivated hate crime from somebody outside of our community.”

Rayton Gendron of Conklin, NewYork, was charged with first-degree murder. He lives about a three and one-half hours drive from Buffalo.

The police said in a statement that the suspect arrived at the store about 2:30 pm on Friday. He was heavy armed, wearing tactical gear, a helmet and had a camera that was live-streaming his actions. He used an assault weapon and shot four people outside of the grocery store, three fatally. When he entered the store, he shot eight more people inside the store.

Once again, this horrible tragedy, with great sadness, has exposed our very serious social problem: the hate crime.

Especially over the last several years, and because of the pandemic, many politicians point their fingers at the people of color, including Asian Americans, for stirring up the flames on issues relating to the virus, immigration and the economy.

Today all of us need to pay attention to the racial issues. Again, these murders indicate that there still are many angry people in our society.

Our society is really sick now. All of the politicians need to wake up and do something to prevent more hate crimes. We need to start with our education system to teach our kids the right ideas and ways to deal with people in our community. Hate attitudes will never  solve the problem.