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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0521

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0521


週五中午休斯敦外交領事團成員應邀參加了大商會主辦的経濟前途展望午餐會 大商會會長哈威在會上表示 大休斯敦及德州経濟發展前途仍然審慎樂觀 並表示已經回復到疫情前的水平

將近二年半前第一宗新冠肺炎在中國大陸武漢發現之後 全球將近有五億人感染 六百二十萬人死亡 其中包括一百多萬的美國人在內 在大休斯敦地區有一百六十萬人感染將近萬六千人去世 每四百五十個患者中就有一人不幸身亡 這是非常可怕的數字

経濟復甦是從二 o o年中開始 到今年四月份美國全國失去之工作已経有百分之九十四點六重返崗位 其中包括教育 政府工作 醫療餐飲零售業都已回到疫情前之水平 但是建築 能源 旅館 技工等還在努力階段

大休斯敦地區的港口出口業務也強勁增加 到四月份為止總值超過一千四百億

國際旅遊也因疫情之減緩而使布什國際機場人流回到疫情前之水準 總之 大商會對於德州經濟還是充滿信心

近年來 包括許多加州人在內不斷遷入德州 其主要原因還是此地房地產相對低 工作機會多而且沒有州所得稅 這是德州經濟比其他地區表現良好最主要之原因

不過許多專家仍然憂慮美聯儲增息太快會造成經濟衰退 俄烏戰爭 中美關係是影響世界和平和穩定之因素

Greater Houston Recovery Nearly Complete

The mission of the Greater Houston Partnership is to make Houston one of the world’s best places to live, work and to build a business. The Partnership works to ensure that Houston places among the world’s greatest global cities by promoting economic development, foreign trade and investment. It serves the 12-county greater Houston region and represents 900+ member companies.

On Friday, the Greater Houston Partnership sponsored a luncheon and invited the Houston Consular Corp and its many members to talk about the Global Houston Economic outlook.

Two and one-half years have passed since the first Covid-19 case was detected in Wuhan, China. Since then, more than 500 million people have contracted the virus worldwide and over 6.2 million have died. The U.S. was hit hardest by the virus, logging 81 million infections and more than one million people lost their lives. In the metro Houston area, 1.6 million residents, one of every five, contracted the virus and nearly 16.000, one of every 45 have died. It is just so horrible that the pandemic caused so many cases and caused the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

The recovery which began in mid-2020 accelerated last year. As of April, 2022, the U.S. had recovered 94.6 percent of jobs lost and the U.S. gross domestic product now exceeds pre-pandemic levels.

Recently many people have moved to the Texas area because we have a very good business climate and lower housing prices, plus, we don’t have a personal income tax.

But still, we are very worried about the war, inflation and rising prices. Unless all these can be put under control, we still are facing a recession in the near future.