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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0526

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0526

全民哀悼 痛心疾首

今天清晨我自己親自把聳立在美南新聞廣場上的八支美國國旗降至半旗 為了哀悼二十一位包括二位老師在依瓦利小學被槍殺的無辜小學生 她們那一張張天真無邪的小臉蛋 會在這殘忍的年青兇手下消失了

德州州長艾伯特在首府舉行之記者會上 表示決心善後並派出心理醫療隊 為這個小鎮療傷止痛 挑戰州長的民主黨侯選人伯托當塲發飈 指責共和黨放縱槍支管制之不當 美國當全世界人口百分之四 但是全球百分之四十的槍支都在美國 這難道還不是氾濫嗎 遺憾的是 全國來佛槍年會本週即將在休斯敦召開 各方大老包括前總統川普都將成為座上賓

老實說 我們事後之哀悼及怒吼已經無濟於事記者會上之譴責只是塲政治表演 我們必須向區內選出之政客 作最嚴厲之要求 他們必須重新立法 對槍支管控及幼童持槍必須限制 更重要的是尤其目前社會之動亂不安 大家心理不安 精神出了狀況 而求救無門令人痛心和惋惜

我們奉勸拜登總統 有其對烏克蘭一擲數百億之援助 還不如回到鄉下解決自己院內的問題

National Mourning And Sadness

This morning I personally lowered eight American flags standing in front of our news building to mourn the twenty-one innocent elementary school students and their teachers who were shot and killed in Uvalde, Texas.

New details from the attack are emerging including details on the 18-year-old shooter Salvador Ramos who entered the school building with an AR-15-style rifle. He then barricaded himself inside a classroom and opened fire on the students and teachers there.

This senseless killing is heartbreaking for our nation. We want to send our thoughts and prayers out to the grieving families. As our Congressman Al Green said in his statement, we must send people to the state and federal legislatures who will vote for sensible gun safety laws.

We are approximately 4% of the world’s population, and yet possess more than 40% of the guns. There are many gun safety solutions. We as voters need to elect legislators at the state and federal levels to change the gun laws.

To be honest, our mourning and condolences are not enough. We must make the most severe demands on politicians elected in our districts to change the laws and make gun possession by youngsters more difficult. More importantly, other current problems are facing our people. Many people are also suffering mental problems and they have no place to ask for help.

We urge President Biden to instead of sending billions of dollars to Ukraine, we need to pay more attention to solving the problems in our own backyard.