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美南新闻 每日社評 0530

美南新闻 每日社評 0530

每日社評 :                           




依瓦利小學慘案發生以來, 德州休斯敦正在舉辦有史以來最大的全美步槍協會年會, 總統空軍一號專機飛往南邊小鎮慰問這個遍身麟傷的社區,  十九名學童及二名教師之冤魂 ,激起了全國之憤怒, 但卻不會改變任何事。


在過去諸多慘劇中, 包括拉斯維加斯被殺六十人, 奧蘭多四十九人遇害,桑地胡克小學二十六人死亡, 到今天依瓦利小學二十一人喪生 ,以上都是比較重大之傷亡事件, 最令人髪指的還是生命剛開始的孩童們。


步槍協會之年會上, 那些接受捐款的政客們同聲譴責暴力, 但是他們認為這些萬惡的兇手是精神有問題或者是人渣, 他們所做所為應該不能影響到憲法第二條修正案人人有擁槍保護自身安全之自由。


遺憾的是 ,當這些兇殺新聞在各大媒體遂漸消失之後 ,我們所能做的是向上天求福希望這些不幸事件不會發生在自己身上 ,日復一日 ,不久後又有一個保大兇殺事件又會上演。


今天我們號稱是世界文明自由民主之領袖, 我們不斷在全世界宣掦民主選舉之可貴, 但是 我們自己的後院不斷有屠殺自己同胞之事件發生, 就連自己兒童性命都保護不了, 還談什么自由民權呢?


不錯, 我們千萬來自世界各角落的移民, 在這塊土地上落葉歸根了, 我們更在這裡付出了血汗和青春歲月, 我們更希望後代子孫生活在無懼的環境中, 而今天的社會已經日愈敗壞, 令人無比擔憂 ,但是 ,我們必須共同來面對和解決問題。

                                        Can We Still Protect Our Kids?

In Uvalde, Texas, this last week, at least 19 children and two teachers are dead from a senseless act of violence. These staggering numbers will not change one single thing and the national news no longer cares. The news people have forgotten this tragedy and many other mass shootings including 60 deaths in Las Vegas, 49 deaths in Orlando, 13 deaths in Columbine and 10 deaths in Buffalo, all of which included innocent victims who were school children, grocery shoppers, teachers and concertgoers.

All of these tragic acts have happened over a short period of time and all we can do is hope the next bullets will not hit our kids and neighbors, but the shooting will happen again.

In Houston, the Texas National Rifle Association is hosting convention politicians all of whom have accepted donations for condemning violence with one voice, but they believe that these evil murderers had mental problems or were scum. They believe that what they did should not affect the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Everyone has the right and freedom to have a gun to protect their own safety.

Today, we are the nation that claims to be the leader of civilization in the world with freedom and democracy as our national cornerstones, while in the meantime, in our own backyard, senseless, wanton massacres are killing our innocent people and are being carried out by deranged murderers across the country. Even our own kids
lives can’t be protected. What are we talking about freedom and civil rights?

Millions of immigrants came to this land seeking opportunity and we devote our whole lives to make America our home. We all hope our next generation will be able to live very peaceful lives, but the environment today is just getting worse.

We are urging all the politicians and community leaders to face this serious challenge and find the best solution for all of us.