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社评 0608 走向講台 踏出人生之第一步

社评 0608  走向講台 踏出人生之第一步

走向講台 踏出人生之第一步

上週日下午 我們非常高興在美南電視新媒體環球劇場迎來了十六位小朋友 他們是來參加美南小記者培訓班 我在開課儀式上特別告訴這些小同學未來一定要做一個對社會有貢獻的人

教育是立國之本 國家之興衰與教育密切相關 多年來 華亞裔學生之優異成績表現 已經是不爭之事實 一個好學生在大學畢業之後 皆可謀得一份終身穩定之工作 许多留學生也依照這個人生之規劃圖 一路平平安安完成了美國夢

比較遺憾的是 我們亞華裔多半是沉默的群体, 在公司裡負責把報告寫好交由主管在會上宣讀 遇有升遷時機會也被他人占據了

老實說 我們今天所需要的是能表達自己的領導人物 只有不斷地爭取 才能有機會坐上主管之位子甚至進入董事會決策單位

我們非常高興這十多位小朋友們 在几位電視台同仁之指導下 能夠學習在新聞採訪上的一些基本常識 這也是他們在人生旅途上走出的第一步

今天美國各大名校諸如哈佛 耶魯 在其録取學生之標準上 除了有優良之成績之外 主要注重他們之領導才能及對社會付出之愛心 如果只是個會考試唸書的書呆子 如何成為社會之中堅及領袖呢

我們看見張張可愛而又能說善道的小面孔 心中有著極大的興奮 他們中必然會出現許多未來的領袖 為華亞裔爭光

教育乃百年大計 在我們的媒體事業中 一定會繼續努力 造就更多的小記者 小演說家 這是我們一贯的社會責任及義務

Go To The Podium And Take The First Step In Your New Life

Last Sunday we were very happy to welcome 16 young kids to our Global TV Studio. They came to attend our little reporters training camp. In the opening ceremony, I told them that “You all must learn how to serve the community in the future.”

Education is the foundation of every country. The rise and fall of the nation is closely related to education. Over the years, the excellent performances of Asian Chinese students has become an indisputable fact. A good student can get a stable job for life after graduating from college, but it is not necessary to be a leader or executive of a company.

Unfortunately, most of our Asians are a very select group. We are the persons who write the reports and give them to the managers to read in the meetings. When the promotion opportunities come, only a few people can be in the decision-making positions,

We are very happy that these young kids, under the guidance of our Television Station colleagues, can learn some basic knowledge of news interviews. This is also the first step in their life’s journey.

Today, most top universities, including Harvard and Stanford, in addition to their excellent academic grades, mainly require leadership and social service skills..

When I saw the cute little faces in front of the camera, we had a great excitement in our heart. No doubt, they will be our future leaders in the Asian Chinese community.

Education is a central plan of our media business. We will definitely continue to work hard to create more little reporters and speakers. This is our consistent social responsibility and obligation.