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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0610 國際區開啓戶外人行車道綠化工程

社評 0610 國際區開啓戶外人行車道綠化工程


今天上午參加了赫里斯郡區長卡格爾主持的國休斯敦社區自行車人行道綠化破土典禮 ,包括市長透納 市議員湯姆斯等市及地區官員及社區領袖皆參加了這項活動

儀式在華人舞獅及鑼鼓聲中拉開序幕 市長在儀式中表示 這項工程代表了市及郡間之合作無間 為市民建造一條健身室外之人行車道。卡格爾區長首先感謝休斯敦公園委員會多年來的辛勞 並靠民間和政府之共有努力 他強調大家共同之力量是最重要的

這條貫穿國際區阿德士多禮公園之人行自行車道 將延至六號公路全長在四英里以上斥資近五百萬美元 大部份由郡政府從公共交通建設預算中支出 國際區將全力配合

近二十年來國際區在各級政府之支持下 斥資五千八百萬元興建一座位於百利大道之現代化社區服務中心 佔地三十七英畝 除了文化活動之外還有各種體育設施 可容納數萬觀眾 我們每年舉辦之農曆新年游園會 也將於明年二日移師到新的社區中心廣場舉行

我們非常欣慰國際區除了開拓許多新商場 新店每週開張 加上各項綠化人行道美化工程也不斷施工中 希望國際區居民能共社區戶外活動 是我們今後共同努力之目標

Hike And Bike Trail Opens In The International District

This morning I joined the ground breaking ceremony for the new Hike And Bike Trail at the Arthur Story Park in the International District with the organizers of the Houston Park Board and many elected officials. Mayor Turner, Commissioner Cagle and City Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas all participated in the event. The grand opening kicked off with the Chinese lion dancing complete with gongs and drums. Mayor Turner said this is a project that represents the cooperation between the City of Houston and County Commissioner Cagle. Thanks to all the helping hands and the hard work of many people.

This Hike and Bike Trail runs through the International District and extends up to Highway 6. The cost of the project was more than $5 million dollars.

Over the past twenty years with the support of the City of Houston and the county government, our International District really has many beautiful project, including the one located at the intersection of Bellaire Blvd and Kirkwood. This 37 acres of land will be home to a state-of-the-art Alief Community Center with a construction cost of $58 million dollars. The center will also include a sports facility and an open area for the public to enjoy.

We are going to move the Lunar New Year celebration to the new Alief Community Center next year in February 2023.

When we look back over the past years, we are so very proud and grateful that the International District has come a very long way. Every week we have new stores opening up and business is getting better every day. With the shared efforts of our community leaders, we can see a very bright future ahead for our community.