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社評 0621 德州共和黨大會唱反调

社評 0621 德州共和黨大會唱反调


剛結束的德州共和黨大會在其四十頁二百七十决議案中 再次否定第四 十六任美國總統拜登之合法性 認為他的當選是違反了憲法而且在許多大城市中有投票舞弊之嚴重情況

雖然沒有確鑿證據 他們還是認為拜登不是由全民選出之合法總統 他們並極力反對同性戀並重申個人擁槍是憲法賦予人民之基本權利

我們對於徳州共和黨之決議案 感到十分憂心也再次反映出美國兩大政黨之主張正在繼續分裂

目前正在國會舉辦之元月六日攻佔國會大廈之聽證會 正告全世界前川普總統如何操縱那㘯推翻政府之暴動 這也是民主黨趁機告誡選民不可再投給共和黨 也算是政治攻防之一部份

美國德州有史以來多數都在共和黨撐控之下 近年來由于盛產石油天然氣 主導了全美能源生產之絕大部分 可惜拜登上任之後 為了發展綠色能源不惜大砍傳統石油之生產 因而斷了許多德州人之財路

如今液岩油及石油在德州開始大量出產 目前油價之飈升 我們真不瞭解拜登總统為何不在自家後院挖油要跑到沙烏地向別人乞求

隨著中期選舉之到來 民主共和兩黨必然會推出最佳政見去獲取選票 對於一般的平民百姓 吃得飽 有工作 是最重要的基本要求了

Texas Republicans Approve A Far-Right Platform

The Texas Republican Party adopted a party platform last week that rejects the results of the 2020 presidential election, calls homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice and rebukes senators who recently negotiated a gun agreement.

In the 40 pages and 270 resolutions of their party platform, the Texas Republican Party stated that they believe the election of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States violated the U.S. Constitution and that there was substantial evidence of election fraud in key metropolitan areas.

Despite evidence to the contrary, the Texas GOP still believes and still holds that acting President Joe Biden was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.

We are very worried about the Texas Republican Party’s resolution which once again reflects the claim that the two major parties in the United States are continuing to split.

The hearing on the attack on the Capitol on January 6 of last year now being held on Capitol Hill has shown how former President Trump manipulated the uprising to overthrow the election results. This is also an opportunity for the Democratic Party to warn voters to not vote for Republicans again.

Over the last several years, most Texans have voted for the Republican Party due to the abundance of oil and gas which has become a major economic resource in Texas. Unfortunately, after Biden took office, he did not hesitate to quickly cut down the transitional oil production in order to change to green energy, thus cutting off the financial path of many Texans.

With the future election coming soon, the Democrat and Republican parties will inevitably have two very different views of our national agenda. For our ordinary people, to have a safe job and decent living is more important than any political matters.