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社評 0623 油價將下跌

社評 0623  油價將下跌


當拜登總統有意免除未來九十天的汽油稅 油價將會稍降原油價格這兩天有下降之趨勢但是通貨膨脹確是居於四十年之新高

究其原因 除了疫情之衝擊之外 中美關係惡化及俄烏戰爭打亂了世界整個格局 非常遺憾的是 這兩個農業大國造成了世界糧食及石油之嚴重短缺 大量難民湧向歐洲及全世界 打亂了地球上之供應鏈 有的經濟專家認為經濟衰退是必然的

拜登總統即將出行歐洲參加北約及G7 會議 並將訪冋中東向產油大國求援 據稱 日本 韓國及澳州代表也將首次參加北約組織高峰會 主要在於籌組亞洲小北約 在全球組成對抗中國大陸之軍事同盟

遺憾的是 我們更看不見和平及世界繁榮之曙光 這麼多苦難人民還要繼續生活在水深火熱之中?

老實說 我們今天極需要有大智慧積能力的領袖來領導這個紛擾不斷之世界 否則世界大戰爆發 世界将會進入末日

Are Oil Prices Falling?

While President Biden intends to give the oil tax holiday for the next 90 days, the price of oil will drop slightly. But the inflation rate is still at a 40-year high.

Why we are having such high inflation and high oil prices is because of the impact of the pandemic, the deterioration of the relationship between the U.S. and China and the war between Russian and Ukraine. This war has caused shortages of energy and food as millions of refugees went to Europe and the supply chain was interrupted.

President Biden is ready to travel to Europe this weekend to participate in the G7 and NATO meetings. It has been reported that Japan, Korea and Australia also will join the NATO meeting to discuss how to form a military alliance in Asia.

Unfortunately, we can’t see the dawn of peace in the near future. Many people are suffering these days and many people are hungry. They have no hope or expectation that the leaders with wisdom will come to their rescue.

America, as the leader of the free world, and President Biden need to lead us to peace and prosperity and show love toward the global problems.