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社評 0624 鮑爾認定美國経濟仍強勁

社評 0624 鮑爾認定美國経濟仍強勁


美聯儲主席鮑爾日前在美國參院作証時 仍然認為美國経濟仍然十分強勁雖然我們處於四十年來最高的通貨膨脹及超過五元之油價

鮑爾在會中指出 我們深知通膨為每個家庭帶來的負擔 我們會竭盡全力來壓制通膨 包括繼續把利率上升我們的目標是從百分之八降低到百分之二 至於利率之调整得視目前経濟情況而定 但是他認為我們的経済仍然十分堅實可以應付未來之變局

當他問到是否國會通過之挽救經濟方案開支是造成通膨上升之原因 他的回答是因為俄羅斯及石油輸出國調升了油價加上許多石油公司取得了暴利

他同時說 美國経濟長久來已經無法讓自己受益 我們要建造更多的企業成為美國制造之公司 增加國民就業機會

我們很高興鮑爾主席傳達了這項重大之消息 對美國之經濟重拾信心

老實說 美國是個地大物博之國家 尤其是過去五年來美國在石油能源已經從一個進口國成為出口國 全面扭轉了對能源之依賴

我們盼望俄烏戰事早日結束 中美關係得到改善 全球各地之通膨得予緩和

疫情對世界帶來的苦難已經夠多了 預計今年世界出現的糧荒及能源短缺 將是二次大戰從所罕見 願上天給我們的政治領袖以他們的智慧 帶領大家走向和平及安定

America’s Economy Is Still Strong

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell believes that the American economy is still very strong. He testified in the U.S. Senate and said that he still believes that the U.S. economy is still very strong, even though we have the highest inflation rate in many years and gasoline prices have gone over $5.00 per gallon.

Powell pointed out that, “Since February, we have understood the hardship that high inflation is causing. We are strongly committed to bringing inflation back down and we are moving expeditiously to do so.” He also added, “The U.S. economy for now is strong. Spending is strong and consumers are in good shape. Businesses are in good shape. Monetary policy is famously a blunt tool and there’s a risk that a weaker outcome is certainly possible. But this is not our intent.”

At the same time, Powell said that the U.S. economy itself has not been fit for a long time. He said we need to build more enterprises and “Made in the USA” companies to increase employment at home.

We are so happy that Chairman Powell conveyed this thinking to help regain confidence in the US economy. To be honest, we are a country with very rich resources. Especially in the last five years, we became an energy exporter nation to overseas countries, completely reversing our dependence on imported energy.

The pandemic has brought enough suffering to the world. It is expected that with food and energy shortages this summer, the war in Ukraine as well as our unstable relationship with China, all of these challenges, if not solved, will continue to be the most important reasons why the world will still continue to be in chaos. All of us are wishing these problems will go away soon.