社評0705 芝加哥等地再傳槍聲

正當全美興高采烈地在各地舉辦國慶游行大會時, 在芝加哥郊區的高地公園市又有名瘋子向游行隊伍開槍亂射, 六人不幸喪生, 二十多位受輕重。
據警方表示, 兇手可能是一名二十歲的白人, 身著汗衫, 他在現場丟下了支來佛槍, 他顯然是從屋頂向群眾亂射, 目前嫌犯還在逃亡之中。
截至目前為止,全美各地集體槍殺案至少有五人被害的己超過三百零八起 ,光是七月份已有十一起 ,三起發生在國慶日當天。
這是多麼令人恐慌及可怕之數字 ,當我們大家在共同慶祝七月四日國慶時, 全國交通充斥著大批旅客 ,各種遊行煙花為這個偉大之國家誕生共同慶祝, 但是這些槍殺事件為大家蒙上巨大之陰影。
美國立國以來 是一個移民國家 ,多少人懷著追尋美國夢, 奉獻了他們畢生精力,對美國有著非常大的貢獻 ,但是近年來 ,由于種族隔離、 貧富不均, 如今的美國真的是變了。
近年來之疫情 、戰亂、 通貨膨脹 、物價高漲, 已経使當政者焦頭爛額 ,不知所措。
在慶祝美國國慶之今天, 我們期盼所有熱愛這塊土地的人能夠協心同力, 為美國再造輝煌。
Sad Day On The Fourth Of July
A mass shooting occurred in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park on Monday, July 4. At least six people are dead and over thirty-one people were transported to two hospitals..
Highland Park Police Chief Lou Jogmen announced that 22-year-old Robert "Bobby" E. Crimo III was arrested around 6:30 p.m., more than eight hours after the shooting, following a chase in the north suburbs. The suspected gunman allegedly opened fire from a rooftop during a July 4th parade in north suburban Highland Park on Monday. A rifle was recovered from the scene. The attack appears to be random.
Jogmen said police in North Chicago spotted Crimo's vehicle near Buckley Road and U.S. Route 41, and tried to conduct a traffic stop, but Crimo fled the scene. North Chicago police called for reinforcements, and Crimo's vehicle was stopped about six miles away near Westleigh Road and U.S. 41. He was taken into custody without incident, and charges were pending Monday evening as police continue to investigate.
The incident marks at least 308 mass shootings or more in the country this year involving at least four people being shot.
There have been 11 mass shootings in the first four days of July. In the wake of these massacres, President Biden, just nine days ago, signed into law the first major federal gun safety law in decades.
What is frightening and terrible to consider is that this tragedy happened when we were celebrating the national holiday of July 4 together when all kinds of parades and fireworks across the land were celebrating the birth of this great country. We must be strong together, but these shootings cast a huge shadow in our hearts.
Since the founding of the United States, it has been an immigrant country. So many people have devoted their lifelong energy to the United States and have made a great contribution to the nation.
But in recent years, due to racial inequality between rich and poor, our nation has really changed. The pandemic in recent years, the Ukraine war, inflation and high prices have caused many people to worry.
Today when we are celebrating the Fourth of July, we hope that all those who love this land can work together to create glory for this great nation.