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社評 0725 石油小鎭又翻身了

社評 0725   石油小鎭又翻身了


德州西部盛產石油之小鎮米蘭市今天又再度出現了榮景這是有史以來因石油價格上下起伏而使這個石油小鎮歷經無數次之經濟循環 當石油價格上漲到每桶一百二十美元時這個小鎮又開始忙碌起來


米蘭市的政商人士正在討論如何加強公共設施包括興建更多之學校來吸引更多石油工人參加開採工作 來迎接新的石油開採繁榮景氣

德州本來就是石油能源大州 近年來由于頁岩油之開採把美國從一個石油輸入國而成為輸出國 已經不必為石油再擔心

就在拜登總統上任之後 因為對環保考慮 立即更改政府政策 關閉輸油管及限制石油天然氣之大量開採 真是把德州佬搞得咬牙切齒

天算不如人算 如今石油缺貨及價格上漲 拜登總統到中東求援 已經一蹶不振的能源小鎮如今又要翻身了

Oil Town Is Coming Back

Because of the big demand for oil in the heart of the country’s most productive oil basin, oil is being produced again.

In Midland, Texas, when the inevitable bust slashed oil prices, many companies closed their doors and laid off many workers who took their families away and moved out. But with the current boom, they are coming back to the city.

The Permian Basin is set for boosting the daily oil output this year by 1 million barrels to an average of 5.6 million barrels making this the third largest oil producing area in the world.

According to geological survey estimates, at least 46 billion barrels of oil are under the Permian underground.

When fracking first became feasible, drillers could break even with oil at about $80 dollars per barrel. But today, the cost has gone down to $40 dollars per barrel. This is very good news for the Texas economy, but some locals are still urging the oil and gas companies to invest in education and healthcare so more workers will move in with their whole families.

Today America can produce more oil than ever before. Why do we still need to ask other countries to help?

We really urge President Biden to change the country’s oil policy and let Texas oil make up for any and all shortages in the best interests of the country.

With rising inflation, the Ukraine war and many social problems, we really need to stabilize our economy as soon as possible.