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社評0726 熱浪侵襲全球

社評0726   熱浪侵襲全球


美國氣象局表示,近兩天來超過八千玉百萬人將處於高溫及過熱之熱浪中 東北部許多地區之氣溫將破紀錄

前副總統高爾在一項聲明中對許多國家及其執政者之不作為行動提出嚴厲警告他說情況會變得非常非常糟而且速度非常快 其中包括在歐洲致命的天氣近二千人喪生可以說是一記警鐘

美國中部和東北沿岸波士頓 費城都處於高溫緊急狀態下 就連西北部的西雅圖氣溫也破九十度

科學家們指出 熱浪襲擊和氣溫高升之主要原因是因北極氣候暖化 噴射氣流遷移熱穹現象是主要原因 如果情勢無法改變 全球熱浪情形將會成為常態

截至目前為止 因熱浪而死亡的美國人已經有十九人之多

我們要對高爾之警告給予高度重視 否則人類之命運將有重大之浩刧

Heatwaves Are Impacting The World

Europe is simmering in its third heatwave of the summer as devastating wildfires threaten millions of people in Portugal and Spain with more than 2,000 heat-related deaths. In London, the airport suspended flights after its runway melted.

Former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore said that now is the time to act on climate change as the U.S. experiences record heat and wildfires rage across Europe. Gore said in a TV interview that, “More people will be killed and the survival of our civilization is at stake.”

Gore said global warming pollution is trapping the heat equivalent of 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs. That is why the heat records are being broken all the time now.

Heat alerts are posted all over the Pacific Northwest including Oregon and Washington states where temperatures will reach 110 degrees.

The hot temperatures in July have caused at least 19 deaths in the U.S.  Dangerous heatwaves will continue for millions of Americans in the upcoming months.